Totem poles



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Totem poles

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Totem poles

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Totem poles

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Totem poles

1430 Archival description results for Totem poles

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House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park

Image of a pole carved as the frontal pole for the front of the Haida house, at UBC, for display in Totem Park. Moved to the new Museum of Anthropology grounds in 1978. Pole was removed from the Haida House in 2000-09 and placed in a greenhouse tent for conservation treatment and drying. A new pole was raised outside to replace it (see MOA object Nb1.752). Jim Hart, with Reg Davidson, Michael Nicoll and Tyler Crosby, performed a small informal ceremony for the re-raising of the pole on Oct. 30, 2002 (with Martine Reid in attendance). Pole was then re-raised in the Great Hall of the Museum on Oct. 31, 2002

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House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park

Image of a pole carved as the frontal pole for the front of the Haida house, at UBC, for display in Totem Park. Moved to the new Museum of Anthropology grounds in 1978. Pole was removed from the Haida House in 2000-09 and placed in a greenhouse tent for conservation treatment and drying. A new pole was raised outside to replace it (see MOA object Nb1.752). Jim Hart, with Reg Davidson, Michael Nicoll and Tyler Crosby, performed a small informal ceremony for the re-raising of the pole on Oct. 30, 2002 (with Martine Reid in attendance). Pole was then re-raised in the Great Hall of the Museum on Oct. 31, 2002.

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House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park

Image of a house frontal pole. The pole was carved at the University of British Columbia for display in Totem Park, where it is located in this image. It was moved to the new Museum of Anthropology grounds in 1978. Bill Reid based the design of the pole on older poles from Ninstints.

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Totem Park & Wreck Beach at UBC

File consists of images of Totem Park and Wreck Beach at the University of British Columbia, as well as a small number of images of unidentified locations elsewhere in BC.

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Vickie Jensen and Jay Powell fonds

  • 3
  • Fundo
  • 1969 - 2021

Fonds consists of records relating to the numerous culture and language projects that Powell and Jensen worked on since 1976. The communities with which they worked include:
• The Quileute of La Push
• The Kwakwaka’wakw of Alert Bay
• The Gitxsan of Kispiox, Gitanyow, and surrounding villages
• The Nuu-chah-nulth of Vancouver Island
• The Musqueam of Vancouver
• The Seton Lake St'at'imc (Lillooet) of Shalalth
• The Shuswap of Alkali Lake, Soda Creek, Dog Creek, Canim Lake, and Sugar Cane
• The Haisla of Kitamaat
• The Nisga’a of Gingolx (Kincolith) and New Aiyansh

Most of the projects had an end goal to produce a book, language education materials, or teacher training materials. Often the education materials incorporated cultural lessons throughout. The records created in the production of the books are varied and reflect the intrinsic connection between language, culture, and daily activities in the communities. Powell and Jensen were co-editors for nearly all of the language books and materials produced. Although some of the projects reflected in the records were done primarily by Powell or primarily by Jensen, the vast majority of the work involves collaboration between the two in some aspect. As Jensen and Powell immersed themselves in the communities they worked for, often their personal photographs and records are interspersed with those relating to their work. This community involvement enhanced their relationships with the people with whom they were working and allowed them to experience and participate in cultural activities as part of those communities. This close relationship is reflected in and is integral to their work. Jensen and Powell have two sons: Nels, born in 1978, and Luke, born in 1981. Their sons travelled with them to the communities in which they worked and lived, and on their work trips and sabbaticals. Nels and Luke are also present in many of the photographic records.

The records contain a mixture of research, field notes, administrative records, and publications at various stages, in addition to audio and visual records. Field notes, for the most part handwritten, and archival research into language and culture groups was undertaken by Powell, whilst the majority of the photography, found in a variety of formats, was done by Jensen. Manuscripts and final publications were a combined effort and are included at various stages. Administrative records, including grant proposals, are found throughout.

Fonds consists of 13 series of records. Series are arranged according to community and/or project.

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The series contains records created during a number of visits and projects completed with the Kwakwaka'wakw of Alert Bay.

After meeting David Grubb at the Salish Conferences in the early 1970s, Jensen was invited by Grubb to attend a potlatch on Gilford Island, just off Alert Bay. It was the first potlatch that she attended, and Jensen photographed it in black and white without flash.

Around the same time, Gloria Cranmer Webster began involving her UBC colleague Powell in discussions on the development of a Kwak’wala orthography. The two worked on this project during their breaks at work, with the main end goal to create accurate labels for artefacts at the museum, then located in the basement of the library on campus.

In 1975, after she moved back to Alert Bay, Webster contacted Powell and asked him to assist her in the creation of a language and culture book for Kwak’wala speaking people. Powell travelled to Alert Bay, the first of many trips to do such work. Over the next few years, Powell and Jensen were invited to Alert Bay on a number of occasions to attend potlatches, pole raisings, and other community events. Jensen photographed the events, as well as other aspects of the community such as the day care and band school.

In 1980 Webster, on behalf of the U’Mista Cultural Centre, secured salaries for both Jensen and Powell for one full year. They were hired to produce language and culture books, but in reality helped with many other aspects leading to the opening of the Centre. They rented a house in the village and lived there full time for the year, immersing themselves in the community, and creating a body of records that integrates both work and community life. Jensen had permission to photograph extensively, and these are all included in this series. Powell did linguistic research and worked with teachers from both the band school and the provincial school that were located in the village. Jensen also photographed language and culture lessons to be used in the books being produced. During the year they lived in Alert Bay, they produced 12 language books and a teacher’s manual for U’mista.

In 1982 Powell and Jensen purchased a house in Alert Bay, further cementing their intentions to maintain connections to the community. They continued to attend and photograph events and potlatches between projects.

In 1983 the Kwak’wala Teacher Training Program (KTTP) was developed by Powell and Jensen. The program was a college credit course for local area teachers to train them to lead language and culture lessons in their classes. Jensen and Powell divided their teaching duties, involving another teacher named Joy Wild. The program was successful for two years.

Over the next 20 years many of their visits were social in nature, although they continued to keep a detailed record of the events they attended. In 2001 they completed a CD-ROM for the Learning Kwak’wala series. This project had been ongoing for some time.

The series also contains photographic records of two events that took place outside the realm of the language projects. The Canadian Museum of Civilisation hired Doug Cranmer to carve a new Wakas Pole to replace the decaying version in Stanley Park and contacted Jensen to document the event. The second set of photographs records a trip organised by U’Mista Cultural Centre for scholars and experts to visit Mimkwamlis (Village Island) and T’sadzis’nukwakme’ (New Vancouver).

The records kept in this series consist of recordings, photographs, research notes, draft teaching aids, and copies of completed resources for both children’s education and the KTTP.

The series consists of eleven sub-series:
A. U’Mista research/background
B. Research materials
C. Field notes
D. Publications
E. Kwak’wala teacher training program
F. Kwak’wala CD-ROM project
G. Kwak’wala photographs
H. Potlatch photographs.
I. Wakas pole raising in Stanley Park 1987 photographs
J. Trip to Village Island and Tzatsisnukomi (New Vancouver) photographs 2005.
K. Audio recordings

Don Bain Massive Carvings Documentation Project

Subseries consists of records collected or created by Don Bain during the course of his Massive Carvings Documentation Project. This project took place in the early to mid 1990s. The Massive Carvings Documentation Project was intended to compile information directly related to the poles and massive carvings in the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) collection into a set of Totem Pole Files. The Totem Pole Files were intended to be accessible to MOA staff, volunteers, students, and the general public. The subseries is divided into two sub subseries:

a. Totem pole files
b. Working files

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