File 13 - Kingcome Inlet & Gwayasdums (Gilford Island)

Rivers Inlet, ubis village siteHouse post, Sgang Gwaay, Haida GwaiiXumdaspe, Hope IslandGwayasdums, GilfordOwekeno Village, Rivers Inlet, Xwamdasbe (Hope Island), Gwayasdums (Gilford Island) house polesHouse post, Sgang Gwaay, Haida GwaiiOwekeno Village, Rivers Inlet, Xwamdasbe (Hope Island), Gwayasdums (Gilford Island) house polesKwakiutl longhouse, Kingcome InletPreparing salmon, Kingcome InletMan on boat near Kingcome InletKwakiutl longhouse, Kingcome InletKwakiutl longhouse, Kingcome InletKwakiutl longhouse, Kingcome InletKwakiutl longhouse, Kingcome InletKwakiutl longhouse, Kingcome InletKwakiutl longhouse, Kingcome InletGwayasdums (Gilford Island): cedar root basketGwayasdums (Gilford Island): mountain with totem pole in foregroundGwayasdums (Gilford Island): totem poleGwayasdums (Gilford Island): portrait of (?)
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Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Kingcome Inlet & Gwayasdums (Gilford Island)

General material designation

  • Graphic material

Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title based on contents of file

Level of description


Reference code


Dates of creation area


Physical description area

Physical description

26 photographs : col. transparencies ; 6 x 6 cm
14 photographs : b&w negatives ; 10 x 13 cm or smaller
10 photographs : col. slides ; 35 mm
7 prints : b&w ; 6 x 6 cm

Archival description area

Name of creator

(1920 - 1992)

Biographical history

Anthony Lawrence Carter, the late author, publisher and photo-journalist, was born on October 22, 1920 in Somerset, England. He and his family emigrated to Wallaceburg, Saskatchewan in 1926 and later moved to Goodsoil, Saskatchewan . The Carter family ... »

Scope and content

File consists of images of the Kingcome Inlet and Gilford Island, both in the central coast area of British Columbia. Scenery and individuals from the area are featured.

Notes area

Access points

Related people and organizations

physical storage

  • Box: Anthony Carter fonds 1