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366 Archival description results for Masks

366 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations

Item is a photograph of a crowd of people in ceremonial dress and regular clothes watching two people performing a mask dance. One person wears a crooked beak [four-faced?] mask while the other is wearing a button blanket and headdress. Willie Seewid [Seaweed; Sewid?] is the man on the left looking at the dancer - noted by William Wasden Jr., 2005/02/22.

21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations

Item is a photograph of two men performing a dance while a crowd watches. The man on the right in ceremonial dress (button blanket, cedar bark headdress) is Willie Seewid [Seaweed; Sewid?], who carved the crooked beak mask with cedar strips that is worn by the other dancer on the left.

21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations

Item is a photograph of four men dancing in ceremonial dress (button blankets, carved [eagle?] mask with cedar strips) performing a ceremonial dance in front of a crowd of on-lookers. The man second from the left is Willie Sewid [Seaweed; Seewid?].

Abbot and secretaries

Item is a negative showing three men posing for the camera. The man in the centre, the abbot, is wearing an elaborate head piece and robe. The man to his left is wearing a mask. There is a building in the background.

Able John (73 yrs), Gold River BC

Image of Able John wearing a mask. An image of John is printed on page 119 of Carter's book "From History's Locker," with the caption: "Able John, born at Ehahsitaht but now living at Gold River. A friendly happy man he carves authentic Nootka masks to supplement his the earnings."

Anthony Carter

Able John (73 yrs), Gold River BC

Image of Able John wearing a mask. An image of John is printed on page 119 of Carter's book "From History's Locker," with the caption: "Able John, born at Ehahsitaht but now living at Gold River. A friendly happy man he carves authentic Nootka masks to supplement his the earnings."

Anthony Carter

Alert Bay, centenary celebrations (?)

Photograph of a person in ceremonial dress and a mask, standing on a pier in Alert Bay(?). Based on details in similar images in this file, it is possible that the photograph was taken at an event celebrating British Columbia's centenary in 1958.

Artifacts: hunting, fishing, and cooking

Image is of a display of artifacts which appear to be primarily from Northwest Coast cultural groups. Artifacts include wood carvings, kayak paddles, mauls, net or line sinkers, harvesting baskets, and fishing nets. and implements, and ornaments.

Artifacts: masks, culinary vessels, implements

Image is of a display of artifacts which includes masks, wood carvings, culinary vessels and implements, and ornaments. Masks appear to be primarily from Northwest Coast cultural groups. On the right is a mounted costume which may be Inuit reindeer skin garments.

Artifacts: masks, woven baskets, hats

Image is of a display of artifacts which appear to be primarily from Northwest Coast cultural groups. Artifacts include masks, woven baskets and hats. On the right is a mounted costume which may be Inuit reindeer skin garments. On the bottom of the display are the words "INDIAN CURIOUS THINGS".

Results 1 to 20 of 366