Cowichan Indian Knitting


Scope note(s)

  • August 19 - November 9, 1986 (Gallery 9)
  • The history and development of the Cowichan knitting industry of southern Vancouver Island. This project was made possible through the support of the National Museum of Canada, Employment and Immigration Canada, the B.C. Heritage Trust and the Cowichan Indian Band.

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Cowichan Indian Knitting

16 Archival description results for Cowichan Indian Knitting

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Cowichan Indian knitting

Subseries consists of images used in the book Cowichan Indian Knitting and textual records relating to the production of the book. In addition are the images used in the exhibit which was shown in the Museum of Anthropology September 23 – November 9, 198... »

UBC Museum of Anthropology Report on Activities April 1, 1986 to March 31, 1987

The report outlines the museum's administrative activities and finances for the previous fiscal year as well as listing staff, attendance figures, acquisitions, exhibitions, educational activities, lectures, events, loans, research projects, publications ... »