- 1-1-F-3 (4.7)
- File
- 1987
File contains the booklet titled Cowichan Indian Knitting. This publication is No. 21 in the series Museum Note.
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File contains the booklet titled Cowichan Indian Knitting. This publication is No. 21 in the series Museum Note.
File contains correspondence between the curator of the exhibit, Marg Meikle and those in the photographs.
File contains the image that was used on the cover of the museum note that accompanied the exhibit titled Cowichan Indian Knitting.
Part of Director's fonds
Part of Director's fonds
Part of Herb Watson fonds
Subseries consists of images used in the book Cowichan Indian Knitting and textual records relating to the production of the book. In addition are the images used in the exhibit which was shown in the Museum of Anthropology September 23 – November 9, 198... »
Part of Herb Watson fonds
Part of Director's fonds
Cowichan sweater knitting photographs
File contains images of the exhibit Cowichan Indian Knitting and some close up images of the pieces in the exhibit.
NMC Grant application - Phase I - Cowichan Sweater Exhibit Proposal
Part of Director's fonds
File contains images used in the exhibit and the museum note that accompanied the exhibit titled Cowichan Indian Knitting.
File contains the poster and invitation for the opening of the exhibit.
UBC Museum of Anthropology Report on Activities April 1, 1986 to March 31, 1987
The report outlines the museum's administrative activities and finances for the previous fiscal year as well as listing staff, attendance figures, acquisitions, exhibitions, educational activities, lectures, events, loans, research projects, publications ... »