Culture at the Centre: Honouring Indigenous Culture, History and Language



Scope note(s)

  • March 18 – November 4, 2018
  • CURATORS: Jill Baird and Pam Brown, with representatives from Musqueam Cultural Education Centre, Squamish-Lil’wat Cultural Centre , Heiltsuk Cultural Education Centre, Nisg̱a’a Museum and Haida Gwaii Museum and Haida Heritage Centre at Kay Llnagaay.
  • The Culture at the Centre exhibition offers insight into the important work Indigenous-run cultural centres and museums in British Columbia are doing to honour and support their culture, history and language. Five centres are showcased, representing six communities: Musqueam Cultural Education Centre (Musqueam), Squamish-Lil’wat Cultural Centre (Squamish, Lil’wat), Heiltsuk Cultural Education Centre (Heiltsuk), Nisg̱ a’a Museum (Nisg̱ a’a) and Haida Gwaii Museum and Haida Heritage Centre at Kay Llnagaay (Haida). Covering a wide geographic expanse, from what is now Vancouver to the Nass River valley, this is the first time that these communities have come together to collaborate on an exhibition and showcase their diverse cultures in one space. For visitors, it is an amazing opportunity to learn about the heritage work these centres are doing and to see traditional and contemporary objects from the communities. The exhibit is organized under three main themes: land and language, continuity and communities, and repatriation and reconciliation. Many British Columbians aren’t aware of the existence of First Nations cultural centres and museums or their impact on their communities. This exhibition opens a window into these five centres through dynamic displays of animated maps, Indigenous languages and rarely-seen items, like an ancient walrus skull and a 32-foot sturgeon harpoon. MOA hopes this is the first of many exhibitions of its kind.

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Culture at the Centre: Honouring Indigenous Culture, History and Language

Culture at the Centre: Honouring Indigenous Culture, History and Language

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Culture at the Centre: Honouring Indigenous Culture, History and Language

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Culture at the Centre: Honouring Indigenous Culture, History and Language

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MOA Magazine, Issue 05, Summer 2018

This issue contains articles on current and upcoming exhibitions, an award for Traces of Words: Art and Calligraphy from Asia, renovations, MOA Journeys, donors Elspeth McConnell and Dr. Margaret (Marmie) Perkins Hess, the UBC Indigitization Program, highlights from the Multiversity Galleries, the BC Heritage Response Network for emergency and disaster response, artist-in-residence Debra Sloan, the donation of a South Pacific collection belonging to Reverend George Stallworthy, and an interview with Sharon Haswell, MOA Shop Manager.

Museum of Anthropology Annual Report 2018-2019

The report outlines the museum's activities and finances for the previous fiscal year, including listing staff, attendance figures, acquisitions, exhibitions, educational activities, public programming, events, loans, research projects, and publications of the museum and its staff. It includes descriptions of Laura Osorio's multifaceted curatorial research in Latin America, the museum's review of its African collection, the beginning of an Indigenous internship program, and planning for a seismic mitigation project, among other initiatives.