Title and statement of responsibility area
Pitt Rivers Museum
referentie code
17 (19.9)
Datering archiefvorming
[2000 - 2004] (Vervaardig)
Fysieke beschrijving
Fysieke beschrijving
1.5 cm of textual records and other material
Archivistische beschrijving
Naam van de archiefvormer
(1948 - 2020)
Bereik en inhoud
File contains photocopied images of Haida and Nuxalk masks housed at the Pitt Rivers Museum. Other textual records include information on featured Northwest Coast masks and correspondence between McLennan and the museum. The photographs contain images of ... »
Fysieke beschrijving
1 CD ROM ; 11.7 MB - 23 photographs : col. negatives ; 35 mm - 7 photographs : col. negatives ; 6 x 6 cm - 5 photographs : col. ; 10 x 15 cm - 3 photographs : col. ; 12.5 x 12.5 cm - 2 postcards