Collection 132 - MOA General Media collection

Early MOA activities and curatorial research [Carved house post] Kwakiutl Northern Heiltsuk Owikeno Oweekeno women preparing fish House of Chief Albert Harry Raven pole re-erected as memorial pole Town at the head of the inlet House post MOA Activities, 1976 and later UBC and Musqueam Officials at a Ceremony Mungo Martin Mungo Martin working on a totem pole Mungo Martin working on a totem pole Mungo Martin and Charles Docherty working on a totem pole Mungo Martin painting a totem pole Totem poles restored by Mungo Martin Mungo Martin adzing a totem pole Mungo Martin working on a totem pole Mungo Martin working on a totem pole Mungo Martin and Charles Docherty working on a totem pole Mungo Martin working on a totem pole
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Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité

Titre propre

MOA General Media collection

Dénomination générale des documents

  • Graphic material
  • Moving images
  • Sound recording
  • Digital Media

Titre parallèle

Compléments du titre

Mentions de responsabilité du titre

Notes du titre

Niveau de description




Mention d'édition

Mentions de responsabilité relatives à l'édition

Mention d'échelle (cartographique)

Mention de projection (cartographique)

Mention des coordonnées (cartographiques)

Mention d'échelle (architecturale)

Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)

Zone des dates de production


  • [1870] - [2000] (Production)

Zone de description matérielle

Description matérielle

ca. 5000 photographs
ca. 240 audio recordings
ca. 150 video recordings

Zone de la collection

Titre propre de la collection

Titres parallèles de la collection

Compléments du titre de la collection

Mention de responsabilité relative à la collection

Numérotation à l'intérieur de la collection

Note sur la collection

Zone de la description archivistique

Historique de la conservation

Custodial history for many records in this collection is unknown.

Portée et contenu

Collection consists of the media -including photographs, sound recordings, and video recordings - that is about, by, or related to the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) and its collections. Media can be found in many collections and fonds in the MOA Archives; the media in this General Media collection are those that do not belong to a more specific archival collection, usually because their provenance is not known.

The collection is divided into three series based on media type:

  1. Photographs
  2. Video recordings
  3. Sound recordings

Zone des notes

État de conservation

Source immédiate d'acquisition


Langue des documents

Écriture des documents

Localisation des originaux

Disponibilité d'autres formats

Some items in this collection have been digitized.

Restrictions d'accès

Access to some items in this collection is restricted. Consult archivist for details.

Délais d'utilisation, de reproduction et de publication

Instruments de recherche

See series level descriptions for inventories.

Éléments associés

Additional sound recordings, video recordings, and photographs can be found in many of the other collections/fonds at MOA Archives.


Note générale

History of this collection:

Prior to having an archivist, media at MOA was managed together by record type and not by creator. Over time, the original provenance information was lost for many records created or received by MOA. According to previous documentation, audio recordings and film recordings were managed separately but together they were considered to represent the MOA General Media Collection.

In 1993, J. Cruickshank inventoried the MOA General Media Collection: Audio and assigned numeric identifiers to each media record. These identifiers were referred to as accession numbers, although they were not archival accession numbers. These accession numbers were arbitrary numbers assigned by J. Cruickshank to gain some initial control over the audio holdings in the museum archives. A listing of J. Cruickshank's inventory list with the accession numbers can be found in the archives filing cabinet.

In the late 1990’s under the direction of an archivist, the records listed in the MOA General Media Collection were appraised for their long-term value. Many records were retained but some were deemed as not necessary to retain within the MOA archives. An inventory list of all the records not retained by the archives (and in some instances, the decision for deaccessioning) can be found in the archives filing cabinet. The deaccessioned records were either: destroyed; placed in the library's backlog; given to the Communication's Video Library; or given away to staff for free.

In 1999, the archivist and the archives assistant arranged the MOA General Media Collection into two series: Audio Recordings and Video Recordings.

MOA General Photographs were previously managed separately from the audio and video recordings. Because these are all media formats, however, the MOA General Photograph collection was added to the MOA General Media collection in 2017.

Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)

Zone du numéro normalisé

Numéro normalisé


Mots-clés - Sujets

Mots-clés - Lieux

Mots-clés - Noms

Mots-clés - Genre

Zone du contrôle

Identifiant de la description du document

Identifiant du service d'archives

Règles ou conventions


Niveau de détail

Dates de production, de révision et de suppression

Langue de la description

Langage d'écriture de la description


Accession area

Sujets associés

Personnes et organismes associés

Lieux associés

Genres associés