- 124-01-107
- File
- 2011
Museum exhibitions
Scope note(s)
Source note(s)
Display note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Museum exhibitions
Museum exhibitions
- NT 'Mn̩úkvs w̓u̓w̓a̓x̌di - One Mind, One Heart
- NT (In)visible: The Spiritual World of Taiwan Through Contemporary Art
- NT A Break in the Ice: Inuit Prints and Drawings from the Linda J. Lemmens Collection
- NT A Coat of Many Colours: Two Centuries of Jewish Life in Canada
- NT A Connoisseur’s Collection: Chinese Ceramics from the Victor Shaw Donation
- NT A Family Affair: Making Cloth in Taquile, Peru
- NT A Green Dress: Objects, Memory, and the Museum
- NT A Partnership of Peoples Exhibit
- NT A Rare Flower: A Century of Cantonese Opera in Canada
- NT Acts of Transformation: From War Toys to Peace Art
- NT African Indigo
- NT Ahneesheenahpay Still Life
- NT Alice, Donna, Helen, John and Adam by Sally Michener
- NT Amazonia: The Rights of Nature
- NT An Exhibition of the collected works of Joe David and Ron Hamilton, contemporary West Coast artists
- NT An Exhibition of the works of Norman Tait
- NT Ancient Cloth...Ancient Code?
- NT Ancient Crossroads: The Rural Population of Classical Italy
- NT Ancient Lives: The Maya of Guatemala
- NT Animals in Indian Bronze Sculpture
- NT Anonymous Beauty
- NT Another America: An Exhibition of Native American Maps
- NT Arts of Resistance: Politics and the Past in Latin America
- NT At the heart
- NT Attributed to Edenshaw: Identifying the Hand of the Artist
- NT Beads: Selections from the Textile Collection of the Museum of Anthropology
- NT Beginnings: Roy Vickers' Works
- NT Benetton
- NT Bent Boxes: Making a Bent Box; Image and Meaning; and Inside the Bent Box
- NT Between Voices: Anspayaxw, A Sound Installation by John Wynne
- NT Beyond Fluttering Sleeves: An Exhibit of Japanese Kimono
- NT Beyond Revival
- NT Bill Reid: Beyond the Essential Form
- NT Blood from Stone: Making and Using Stone Tools in Prehistoric British Columbia
- NT Blue Jeans: Symbols in North American Culture
- NT Bo'jou Neejee: Profiles of Canadian Indian Art
- NT Bob Boyer: A Blanket Statement
- NT Border Zones: New Art Across Cultures
- NT British Columbia Contemporary Ceramics
- NT Buried History of London
- NT Calendar Prints: Popular Art of South India
- NT Canadian Native Handicrafts - Indians and Eskimos of Canada
- NT Cannery Days: A Chapter in the Lives of the Heiltsuk
- NT Carl Beam
- NT Cedar! The Great Provider
- NT Celadon: Beyond the Glaze
- NT Ceramics: Eye of the Beholder
- NT Ceramics: Faces on Ceramic Vessels
- NT c̓əsnaʔəm: the city before the city
- NT Changing Tides: The Development of Archaeological Research in British Columbia’s Fraser Delta Region
- NT Children and Their World: Toys from Many Countries
- NT Chilean Arpilleras
- NT Chinese Ceramic Figurines
- NT Chinese Children's Art: Selections from Luda Municipality, Liaoning Province, People's Republic of China
- NT Chinese Jade and Ivory
- NT Chinese Peasant Textile Arts: Kwantung and Szechuan Provinces
- NT Chinese Snuff Bottles
- NT Chinese Values
- NT Chronicles of Pride
- NT Cindy Sherman meets Dzunuk'wa: From the Michael O'Brian Collection
- NT Claiming Space: Voices of Urban Aboriginal Youth
- NT Classic Art from the Mediterranean
- NT Clothing and Identity : Selections from MOA's fine Costume Collection
- NT Conservation Exhibit
- NT Contemporary Salish Weaving: Continuity and Change
- NT Continuing Traditions
- NT Conversations: The Dr. Miguel and Julia Tecson Philippine Collection
- NT Cowichan Indian Knitting
- NT Crafted Elegance: The Northwest Coast Canoe
- NT Creating Context
- NT Culture at the Centre: Honouring Indigenous Culture, History and Language
- NT Cycles: The Graphic Art of Robert Davidson, Haida
- NT Dating by Stratification, Trade and Inter-Relationship of Mycenae, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece
- NT Dempsey Bob: The Art Goes Back to the Stories
- NT Design Elements in Northwest Coast Indian Art
- NT Design Variations in Guatemalan Textiles: Weaving a Jaspe Yarn
- NT Discovering MOA
- NT Don’t Give it Up! The Lives and Stories of the Mabel Stanley Collection
- NT Doug Cranmer's Paintings
- NT Dress and Identity: Selections from MOA's Fine Costume Collection
- NT Echoes '93
- NT Echoes '96
- NT Echoes ‘95
- NT Echoes 2000
- NT Echoes 2001
- NT El Corazon Del Mundo: At the Heart of the World
- NT Encounter 1778: Drawings, watercolours, and sketches by John Webber at Nootka Sound
- NT Eulachon: A Fish to Cure Humanity
- NT Exhibit A: Objects of Intrigue
- NT Exhibit Project - Lab #1
- NT Faces and Voices of the Inuit Art Market
- NT Festival of Hong Kong '92 at MOA
- NT Field Notes
- NT For Our Daughters
- NT Forest One
- NT Four Seasons: Seasonal Activities of Prehistoric Indian Peoples in B.C.
- NT Fragments: The E. Sonner Donation of African Sculpture
- NT Frog Constellation by Haida Artist Jim Hart
- NT From Backroom to Classroom: Interpreting Visible Storage
- NT From Classical to Modern: Javanese Shadow Play Figures
- NT From the Inside Out: Cultural Healing in Prisons
- NT From Under the Delta: Wet-Site Archaeology in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland.
- NT Gathering Strength: New Generations in Northwest Coast Art
- NT Ghosts in the Machine
- NT Gifts and Giving
- NT Grass Basket, Glass Case: Life histories of MOA’s Nuu-chah-nulth baskets
- NT Grecian Urns: Pottery from the Ancient Greek World
- NT Greek and Roman Life in Miniature
- NT Guatemalan Highland Textiles
- NT Hands of our Ancestors: The Revival of Salish Weaving at Musqueam
- NT Heaven, Hell, and Somewhere In Between: Portuguese Popular Art
- NT Heredity: Hereditary Chiefs of the Haida
- NT Hidden Dimensions: Face Masking in East Asia
- NT High Slack: An Installation by Judith Williams
- NT Homo Ekta Chromo
- NT How Was Your Trip? What Did You Buy?
- NT Huacos and Huacas: Objects from Sacred Places of Ancient Peru
- NT Hunt Family Heritage: Contemporary Kwakiutl Art
- NT I Have Seen the Other Side of the World
- NT Image and Life: 50,000 Years of Japanese Prehistory
- NT Images of Imperial Power: Coins, keys, seals, weights, and sculptures from the Roman and Byzantine Courts
- NT Images: Photographic Expressions of the Commonwealth
- NT In a Different Light: Reflecting on Northwest Coast Art
- NT In the Footprint of the Crocodile Man: Contemporary Art of the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea
- NT Indian Modern
- NT Inside Passage: 1792
- NT Inuit Life Then and Now
- NT Inuit Prints and Drawings: Baker Lake and Cape Dorset
- NT Inuit Prints: Japanese Inspiration
- NT Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
- NT Jamelie Hassan, Vitrine 448
- NT Jane Ash Poitras: Sweatlodge Etchings
- NT Japanese and Chinese Art and History
- NT Japanese Culture and Art
- NT Joe David: West Coast Artist
- NT Kaxlaya Gvilas (the ones who uphold the laws of our ancestors)
- NT Kesú: The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer
- NT Krishna Worship at Nathdwara
- NT Kwagiutl Graphics: Tradition in a New Medium
- NT Kwagiutl Masks: An Expression of Transformation
- NT Kwagiutl Watercolours and Drawings
- NT Lamps from the Greek and Roman World
- NT Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun: Unceded Territories
- NT Layers of Influence: Unfolding Cloth Across Cultures
- NT Legacy Exhibit of Contemporary Northwest Coast Art
- NT Looking at Labels
- NT Luminescence: the Silver of Peru
- NT Lyle Wilson: When Worlds Collide
- NT Lyle Wilson’s Transforming Grizzly Bear Human
- NT Mabel Stanley: Contributions to the Community
- NT Maiolica Majolica: Historic and Contemporary Decorated Earthenware
- NT Man and His World
- NT Man Ray, African Art and the Modernist Lens
- NT Marking the Infinite: Contemporary Women Artists from Aboriginal Australia
- NT Mary Anne Barkhouse: Selected Works
- NT Masterworks of Haida Artist Bill Reid
- NT Maui: Turning Back the Sky
- NT Mehodihi: Well-Known Traditions of Tahltan People "Our Great Ancestors Lived That Way"
- NT Melanesian Culture
- NT Memory, Place, & Displacement: A Journey by Jesús Abad Colorado
- NT Metal Works
- NT Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas: Meddling in the Museum
- NT Multiplicity: A New Cultural Strategy
- NT Mungo Martin: A Slender Thread
- NT Museum Quality: Significant Acquisitions Purchased for the Museum's Permanent Collection by the Anthropology Shop Volunteers
- NT Museums Are Good Places to Work
- NT Musqueam Weavers
- NT My Ancestors are Still Dancing
- NT National Museum of Man: Children of the Raven
- NT Native Youth Project
- NT New Visions: Serigraphs by Susan A. Point, Coast Salish Artist
- NT No Windows
- NT Norman Tait: Nishga Carver
- NT North American Indian Basketry and Technology
- NT Northwest Coast Indian Art
- NT Northwest Coast Indian Artists' Guild - 1978 Graphics Collection
- NT Northwest Coast Jewellery in Masterpiece Gallery
- NT Northwest Coast themes and variations: Tsonokwa, Killer Whale, Wolf
- NT Nunavutmiutanik Elisasiniq: A Tribute to the Peoples of Nunavut
- NT Nuxalk Radio: One Nation, Many Voices
- NT O Canada! An Experimental Exhibition in Six Parts
- NT Of Other Spaces...
- NT On Stoney Ground
- NT Our Chiefs and Elders: Photographs by David Neel, Kwagiutl
- NT Our Eldest Elders: A Photographic Tribute
- NT Ouroboros: A Major Work by Stephen C. Clark
- NT Pacific Cultures: Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Australia
- NT Panel Installation: 'ehhwe'p syuth (To Share History)
- NT Paradise Lost? Contemporary Works from the Pacific
- NT Pasifika: Island Journeys - The Frank Burnett Collection of Pacific Arts
- NT Paul Gibbons Mask Display
- NT Peter Morin's Museum
- NT Photographs in Denendeh
- NT Pigapicha! 100 Years of Studio Photography in Nairobi
- NT Plantae Occidentalis: 200 Years of Botanical Art in British Columbia
- NT Plantae Occidentalis: 200 Years of Botanical Art in British Columbia
- NT Playing With Fire: Ceramics of the Extraordinary
- NT Pleased to Meet You: Introductions by Gwyn Hanssen Pigott
- NT Popology
- NT Potlatch Platform
- NT Precisions of Line Perfections of Form
- NT Preservation of Ainu Culture: Gifts from the Sapporo Aniu Cultural Society
- NT Prints Exhibition: Roy Hanuse, Joe David, and Art Thompson
- NT PROJECTIONS: The Paintings of Henry Speck, Udzi'stalis
- NT Proud to be Musqueam: Dedicated to Our Children
- NT Questions Asked
- NT Rajasthan Artifacts Collected on a Field Trip to Northwest India During the Summer of 1979
- NT Raven and the First Immigrant
- NT Raven Bringing Light to the World
- NT Raven's Reprise: Contemporary Works by First Nations Artists
- NT Recalling the Past: A Selection of Early Chinese Art from the Victor Shaw Collection
- NT Reclaiming History: Ledger Drawings by Assiniboine Artist Hongeeyesa
- NT Reflecting Northwest Coast Artistry
- NT Reflections of India: Paintings from the 16th to the 19th Century
- NT Remembering Luboml: Images of a Jewish Community
- NT Repair, Reuse, and Recycle
- NT Ritual Ecologies (New Form Festival '05 Exhibition)
- NT Robert Davidson: Raven
- NT Robert Davidson: The Abstract Edge
- NT Robes of Power: Totem Poles on Cloth
- NT Safar/Voyage: Contemporary Works by Arab, Iranian, and Turkish Artists
- NT Salish Art: Visions of Power, Symbols of Wealth
- NT Salish Exhibit: Spindle Whorls
- NT Salish Images: Northwest Coast Artists Tribute to Salish Art
- NT Sankofa: African Routes, Canadian Roots
- NT Savage Graces: After Images by Gerald McMaster
- NT Sculptures by Dominic Benhura
- NT Seeing is Believing: Photographs from the Archives
- NT Selected Garments from Asia, North and South America and Europe
- NT Selected Works from MOA’s First Nations Print Collection
- NT Sensibilities: Unsuspected Harmonies in Multicultural Aesthetics
- NT Sewing Dissent: Patterns of Resistance in Chile
- NT Shadows, Strings and Other Things: The Enchanting Theatre of Puppets
- NT Shake Up: Preserving What We Value
- NT Show and Tell: The Story of the Big Mac Box
- NT Signed Without Signature: Works by Charles & Isabella Edenshaw
- NT Site to Sight: Imaging the Sacred
- NT Speaking to Memory: Images and Voices from St. Michael's Indian Residential School
- NT Spirits in the Rock: An Exhibition of Paintings by Ojibwa artist John Laford
- NT Spotlight On India
- NT Symbol of New Hope: The Ukrainian Easter Egg
- NT T'xwelatse Visits MOA
- NT Tatau: Samoan Tattooing and Global Culture
- NT Technologies of Northwest Coast : Stone, Bone, Wood, Textiles
- NT The Art of Norval Morrisseau
- NT The Boom Years: A Portrait of North Vancouver by G.G. Nye 1905-1910
- NT The Copper that Came from Heaven: The Dance Dramas of the Kwakwaka'wakw
- NT The Copper that Came from Heaven: The Dance Dramas of the Kwakwaka’wakw
- NT The Dragon Jars of Southeast Asia: The Julia and Miguel Tecson Collection
- NT The Evolution of Bill Reid's Beaver Print
- NT The Fabric of Our Land: Salish Weaving
- NT The Flute and the Sword
- NT The Four Seasons: Food Getting in British Columbia Prehistory
- NT The Gallery Collection: Ten Northwest Coast Indian Silkscreen Prints
- NT The Guild Show
- NT The Hindu Divine: Gods and Goddesses in Indian Art
- NT The Honour of One is the Honour of All
- NT The Killer Whale, as a Theme in Northwest Coast Culture
- NT The Legacy: Contemporary British Columbia Indian Art
- NT The Legacy: Continuing Traditions of Canadian Northwest Coast Indian Art
- NT The Literacy Heritage of Hinduism
- NT The Mabel Stanley Regalia Collection
- NT The Magic of Masks in Sri Lanka
- NT The Marvellous Real: Art from Mexico, 1926 - 2011
- NT The Raven and the First Men
- NT The Shaman of the Northwest Coast
- NT The Spirit of Islam: Experiencing Islam Through Calligraphy
- NT The Spirit of Tibet
- NT The Strangled Man: Haida Argillite Carving in Retrospect
- NT The Third Eye
- NT The Trader and Tribal Crafts
- NT The Transforming Image
- NT The Tribal Societies and Control of the Supernatural
- NT The Village is Tilting: Dancing AIDS in Malawi
- NT The Whiteman in North America c. 1970 - 1980
- NT The World of Spirits: An Exhibition of Igbo Masks from South East Nigeria
- NT Three Case Studies
- NT Through My Eyes
- NT Tibetan Robes
- NT Tibetan Thangka Paintings by Kalsang Dawa
- NT To Market, to Market . . . The Culture Exchange
- NT To Wash Away the Tears
- NT Together Again: Nuxalk Faces of the Sky
- NT Traces of Words: Art and Calligraphy from Asia
- NT Traditional Arts of Korea: Adornment, Costumes, and Ceramics
- NT Traditional East African Medical Beliefs and Practices
- NT Transitions: Contemporary Canadian Indian and Inuit Art
- NT Translations of Tradition: Joanna Staniszkis' Recent Work
- NT Trapline Lifeline
- NT Treasures of the Tsimshian from the Dundas Collection
- NT Tupilaq: Greenland Spirit Carvings
- NT Two Case Studies
- NT TwoRow II by Alan Michelson
- NT Unity Quilt
- NT Vereinigung (Unification)
- NT Viewpoints
- NT Virtual Museum of Canada “Respect to Bill Reid Pole” Online Exhibit
- NT Visible Storage
- NT Visions of Enlightenment: Buddhist Art at MOA
- NT Voices of the Canoe
- NT Wall of Ravens: The Raven Portrayed in NWC Indian Silkscreen Prints
- NT Wayang: From Gods to Bart Simpson
- NT We Sing to the Universe: Poems and Drawings by Ron Hamilton
- NT Wearing Politics, Fashioning Commemoration: Factory-Printed Cloths in Ghana
- NT Weavers at Musqueam
- NT West Coast Exhibit
- NT West Coast Graphics: Images of Change
- NT What Constitutes a Complete Collection?
- NT What is A Masterpiece?
- NT What is Canadian Cultural Property?
- NT What is Exchange? [student exhibit]
- NT Wheel: Overlays - An Installation by Edgar Heap of Birds
- NT When Kings Were Heroes
- NT Where are the Children? Healing the Legacy of the Residential Schools
- NT Who Shall Remain Nameless? Makers and Collectors in MOA’s Nuu-chah-nulth Basketry Collection
- NT Within the Pear Garder: Chinese Opera Costumes
- NT Without Masks: Contemporary Afro-Cuban Art
- NT Woman’s Work by Sally Michener
- NT World AIDS Day
- NT Written in the Earth: Coast Salish Art
- NT YuQuot ... 4000 Years: Continuity and Change in a West Coast Village
- NT ひろしま hiroshima by Ishiuchi Miyako
Equivalent terms
Museum exhibitions
Associated terms
Museum exhibitions
2457 Archival description results for Museum exhibitions
50 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
YUQUOT...4,000 Years: Continuity and Change in a West Coast Village
- 124-01-017
- File
- 1978
Yuquot: 4,000 years: Continuity and Change in a West Coast Village
- 107-2-92
- File
- April 22, 1978 - February 7, 1979
Part of Herb Watson fonds
- 102-02-L-11
- File
- 2008 - 2012
Part of Karen Duffek fonds
Written in the Earth: Coast Salish Art
- 113-56
- File
- Aug. 16, 1996 – April 1, 1997
Part of Exhibit Comment Books and Guest Registers/Guest Books collection
File contains 1 comment book from the exhibit Written in the Earth: Coast Salish Art, Fall 1995 – December 31, 1997
Written in the Earth: Coast Salish Art
- 106-01-J
- Subseries
- Fall 1995 - December 31, 1997
Part of Darrin Morrison fonds
This exhibit presents examples of antler, stone and wood carvings from archaeological sites in Coast Salish territory on the south coast of BC, as well as contemporary works by First Nations artists.
[Written in the Earth and From Under the Delta exhibits]
- 119-6-B-29
- File
- 1995-1996
Part of Director's fonds
Written in the Earth – travelling
- 71-6-77
- File
- 1998
- 71-6-62
- File
- 1995-1997
- 71-6-66
- File
- 1997
- 110-5-7-8
- File
- Jul-98
- 133-01-01-B-b
- Sub subseries
- 124-01-073
- File
- 1996
- 100-2-II
- Subseries
- 1992-1998
Part of Carol Mayer fonds
Woven materials on display in Montréal
- 132-1-C-D-a042354
- Item
- 1969-1970
Part of MOA General Media collection
Woven materials on display in Montréal for the Museum of Anthropology's Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World."
Woven materials on display in Montréal
- 132-1-C-D-a042513
- Item
- 1969-1970
Part of MOA General Media collection
Woven materials on display in Montréal for the Museum of Anthropology's Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World."
Woven materials on display in Montréal
- 132-1-C-D-a042355
- Item
- 1969-1970
Part of MOA General Media collection
Woven materials on display in Montréal for the Museum of Anthropology's Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World."
Woven materials on display in Montréal
- 132-1-C-D-a042512
- Item
- 1969-1970
Part of MOA General Media collection
Woven materials on display in Montréal for the Museum of Anthropology's Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World."
Woven materials on display in Montréal
- 132-1-C-D-a042304
- Item
- 1969-1970
Part of MOA General Media collection
Woven materials on display in Montréal for the Museum of Anthropology's Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World."