- 51-01-30-a039502
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Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of hills and high desert shrubs in the Fraser Valley, near the community of Lillooet.
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Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of hills and high desert shrubs in the Fraser Valley, near the community of Lillooet.
Lillooet Petroglyphs, Smithers Fossils
Part of Lilo Berliner fonds
Images of rocks or fossils, masks, a paddlewheeler that houses a library, and a chapel or shed with graves in the background. Images of petroglyphs appear faded.
Part of Hilary Stewart fonds
Contains images of a family trip to Lillooet.
Red pictographs on a bowlder [sic], Lillooet Indian Territory
Part of Harlan Smith collection
Chief “Bob” Selqua of Pavilion – Lillooet Indian village. Says his ancestors painted a man pictograph every time a chief died. The pictures of stars around one of the men indicate his greatness and some of the pictures represent bear tracks
Series contains records relating to Jensen and Powell’s work with the Salishan language groups in Musqueam and Shalalth territories, and events related to those communities. Although the records were created in a number of villages at different periods ... »
The majority of the file contains historical images of the Tsilhqot'in, Secwepemc, Stl'al'lmx, and the Nlaka'pamux peoples. The photographs depict village life, including images of building structures in the BC interior, fish processing techniques such ... »