- 44-02-03-a043665
- Item
- [ca. 1969-1975]
Part of Edward F. Meade fonds
Item is an image of a petroglyph.
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Part of Edward F. Meade fonds
Item is an image of a petroglyph.
Part of Edward F. Meade fonds
Item is an image of a rock on a pedestal with trees in the background. According to annotations, image was taken in Umatilla, Columbia river. Original slide includes number 8.
Part of Edward F. Meade fonds
Item is an image of petroglyphs. Original slide includes number 34.
Part of Edward F. Meade fonds
Series contains graphic materials created by E. F. Meade, L. M. Greene, Dr. Akladakov (?), Arthur Goodland, Louis Poitras, Dick Pattinson, C. Gades, Dr. Foskett, and Morley Raven, and collected by E. F. Meade while documenting and studying petroglyphs ... »
Part of Lilo Berliner fonds
Pictographs and images of pinecones and needles. Possibly from a trip to New Mexico.
Pointing figure #14 (original), Saxman Park, Ketchikan, Alaska
Part of E. Polly Hammer fonds
Pole at Totem Bite [Bight], Ketchikan, Alaska
Part of E. Polly Hammer fonds
Poles at Totem Bite [Bight], Ketchikan, Alaska
Part of E. Polly Hammer fonds
Portrait of two men on horseback at Beartooth Montana, 1916
Part of Fred Ryckman fonds
Two men sit astride horses outside with a log structure in the back right. Image is labeled Beartooth, Montana, 1916. A flag flies from the log structure.
Fred Ryckman
Consists of correspondence, grant applications, and records of Phase 1 of the Shuswap project. Phase 1 covered the original contract to work with the community at Alkali Lake.
Powell first went to La Push, the Quileute village in Washington State, in 1969 to complete research for his PhD dissertation Proto-Chimakuan: A Reconstruction. While he documented the language he also developed relationships with the local families. ... »
Raven and frog pole #2 (replica), Saxman Park, Ketchikan, Alaska
Part of E. Polly Hammer fonds
Collection consists of photographic prints by Roland Reed, featuring Native Americans and scenery of the western United States.
Roland Reed
Saxman Park, Ketchikan, Alaska
Part of E. Polly Hammer fonds
Saxman Park, Ketchikan, Alaska
Part of E. Polly Hammer fonds
Saxman Park, Ketchikan, Alaska
Part of E. Polly Hammer fonds
Saxmen Tlinget dancing at Totem Bite [Bight], Ketchikan, Alaska
Part of E. Polly Hammer fonds
Saxmen Tlinget dancing at Totem Bite [Bight], Ketchikan, Alaska
Part of E. Polly Hammer fonds
Saxmen Tlinget dancing at Totem Bite [Bight], Ketchikan, Alaska
Part of E. Polly Hammer fonds
Part of Edward F. Meade fonds
File contains graphic materials depicting petroglyphs and pictographs in the coast of British Columbia, the west coast of the United States of America, Scotland, Russia, and Guyana. According to annotations, some of the photographs were taken by Dr. ... »