Totem poles



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Totem poles

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Totem poles

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Totem poles

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Totem poles

148 archivistische beschrijving results for Totem poles

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  • 30-30-01-30-01-01-a039004
  • Stuk
  • [1862-1937, predominant 1930-1937]
  • Part of John Mennie fonds

Two poles in mid-ground mixed with cross-bearing grave marker at proper right foreground

Totem poles - Alert Bay, BC

  • 30-30-01-30-01-01-a039007
  • Stuk
  • [1862-1937, predominant 1930-1937]
  • Part of John Mennie fonds

Labelled: "Totem Poles Alert Bay B.C." View over wire fence. One pole at centre, mid-ground dominating

Totem poles

  • 30-30-01-30-01-01-a039010
  • Stuk
  • [1862-1937, predominant 1930-1937]
  • Part of John Mennie fonds

Winged figure totem pole in foreground near burial site

Totem Poles, Alert Bay, B. C.

Image depicts two totem poles on the grounds of St. Michael's Indian Residential School in Alert Bay, B. C. The poles include Thunderbirds, Grizzly Bears, and Coopers at the base of each pole. Photo attributed to E. J. Cooke.

Totem pole in field

Image depicts a large totem pole standing in a field and surrounded by some brush. This pole resembles one carved by Arthur Shaughnessy, raised in 1924 as a memorial for Chief Wakas . It depicts a Thunderbird with no wings, Dzunuk'wa, Grizzly Bear, Raven, and Sisiyutl.

Two totem poles in a field

Image depicts two totem poles in an open area. Pole on image left resembles a pole carved by Tony Hunt, Calvin Hunt, Peter Knox, and John Livingston in 1976 as a memorial for Johnathan Hunt. It features Raven, Man Holding a Copper, Sun Holding a Copper, and Killer Whale.

Kwakiutl Totem Poles

View of the Kwakiutl totem poles standing in a cemetery. The two poles stand adjacent to graves marked with crosses, which are identified Chief J .Aul Sewid and Mrs. Lucy Sewid. The presence of flowers at this gravesite suggest that this photo may have been taken in 1988 when Chief Sewid died. Photo is attributed to Eric J. Cooke, Photo Productions, Sidney, B. C.

Kwakiutl Totem Pole

View of a Kwakiutl totem pole on Alert Bay, Cormorant Island, British Columbia. Pole appears to be standing in a cemetery. A cross marked Charles Smith is visible. This pole features a bird (possibly a raven) atop several other animals.

Alert Bay totem poles

Image of two totem poles at Alert Bay. In the foreground is a memorial pole for Chief Wakas. It was raised in 1924 and carved by Arthur Shaughnessy. In the background is a memorial pole for Amos Dawson's uncle. Carved by Charlie James.

Zonder titel

Alert Bay memorial pole

Image of a memorial pole at Alert Bay. Inscription at the bottom held by the figure reads "In loving memory of Tlaowa Latle of the Qiowasudinuk (Kwakwaka'wakw: Kwikwasut'inuxw) Tribe. Died Nov. 9 [rest of inscription illegible].

Zonder titel

Alert Bay totem poles

Image of two totem poles at Alert Bay. In the foreground is a memorial pole for Chief Wakas. It was raised in 1924 and carved by Arthur Shaughnessy. In the background is a memorial pole for Amos Dawson's uncle. Carved by Charlie James.

Zonder titel

Resultaten 1 tot 20 van 148