- 110-2-7
- Bestanddeel
- 2001
Bereik aantekeningen
ron aantekeningen
Toon aantekening(en)
Hiërarchische termen
Gelijksoortige termen
- UF Sto:lo
- UF Stó:lô
- UF Stó:lõ
- UF Staulo
- UF Stahlo
Verwante termen
7 archivistische beschrijving results for Stó:lō
7 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
- 110-2-124
- Bestanddeel
- 2001
Kwakwaka'wakw, Musqueam, Stó:lō, Nuxalk Visible Storage
- 110-3-A-39 (MOA CD 031)
- Bestanddeel
Stone sculptures on display in Montréal
- 132-1-C-A-a040559
- Stuk
- 1969 or 1970
Part of MOA General Media collection
Stone sculptures on display in Montréal for the Museum of Anthropology's Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World".
Grave figures on display in Montréal
- 132-1-C-A-a040591
- Stuk
- 1969 or 1970
Part of MOA General Media collection
Grave figures on display in Montréal for the Museum of Anthropology's Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World".
- 1-4-E-1-04
- Bestanddeel
- [ca. 2005]
File includes one drawing and two photographs of MOA Object ID A1780 and A1781 which are carved figures. The photographs are annotated with handwritten information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
MOA News: The Newsletter of the UBC Museum of Anthropology, January-April, 1998
- 124-02-04-08
- Stuk
- January 1998
The newsletter contains 7 articles about the museum as well as photographs, facsimiles of artworks, and general visitor information. Subjects include the exhibition Recalling the Past: A Selection of Early Chinese Art from the Victor Shaw Collection and MOA's Asian collections, Stó:lō Chief Frank Malloway, events related to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), MOA's new collections management system, an award of merit granted to the production team of From Under the Delta, the publication of The Potter's Art edited by Carol Mayer, and the launch of a multi-museum admission program called The Great Escapes. Also included is a Calendar of Events.