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6 Archival description results for Skedans

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File includes ten photographs and one drawing of MOA Object ID A50002 a, b, and c which is a totem pole separated into three parts. The images depict the object in its original form prior to separation. The photographs are annotated with handwritten information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.


File includes one drawing and three photographs of MOA Object ID A50001 which is a totem pole. The photographs are annotated with handwritten information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.

Ketchikan and Kitwancool Totems and Views

File consists of slides depicting totems and views labeled as in Kispiox, Kitwancool, Ketchikan, Haida, Kitseguckla, Skedans, and Kingcome. File also consists of slides documenting two of Minn Sjolseth's paintings entitled "En av de Siste" (sp?) and "Peace."


File consists of photographic prints depicting Haida cultural objects from other institutions. Many of the prints are annotated with handwritten, stamped, or typed information about the contents of the images or their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA Object ID A50000 a, b, c, & d; A50001; A50002 a, b, & c; A50012; A50013; A50014 a & b; A50015 a & b; A50017; A50018; A50021; and A50045 in MOA's Great Hall.


File mainly contains historical images of Haida and Tlingit villages and totem poles located on the Northwest Coast of British Columbia and Alaska. There are also images of Haida and Tlingit peoples dressed in regalia. Other photos include images of Haida and Tlingit artifacts, such as bentwood boxes and carvings, housed in various museums around the world. There are also images of a modern day ceremony in front of some totem poles and long houses. The textual records include photocopies of images of totem poles and Haida and Tlingit villages.