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55 archivistische beschrijving results for Sculpture

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The thousand armed Kannon, Sanjūsangen-dō, Kyoto

: Item is a photograph of rows of the thousand armed Kannon or Bodhisattva figures at the Sanjūsangen-dō, a Buddhist temple officially known as Rengeō-in (Hall of the Lotus King) in Kyoto, Japan. This temple was a popular subject, and several ... »

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File consists of images of two carvings made from argillite. The images were purposefully taken so that the scale of the object can not be determined. Photographs were taken in the Museum of Anthropology.

YVR photographs

File contains images of various different pieces of Northwest Coast artwork located at YVR. These artwork pieces include: the cedar crabs from the <i>Pacific Passage</i> installation; <i>Hetux, Thunderbird, the Keeper of the Sky</i&... »

British Museum

File contains images of Northwest Coast, possibly Heiltsuk, artifacts including a mask, sculpture, and weapons housed at the British Museum.

Dempsey Bob

File consists of records about Dempsey Bob such as a student paper and exhibit proposal. In addition are images of Dempsey Bob and his artworks.

Buddha figure

Buddha figure from the Museum of Anthropology. The location of this photograph is uncertain. The support beam in the background suggests it may have been taken in the old Museum location in the library basement.

Resultaten 1 tot 20 van 55