- 1-4-A-66 (26.3-4)
- Bestanddeel
- [198-?]
File contains detailed catalogue lists of photographs of the Nass River taken by C.F. and W.A. Newcombe, Victoria B.C., and lent to C.M. Barbeau in September 1927.
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File contains detailed catalogue lists of photographs of the Nass River taken by C.F. and W.A. Newcombe, Victoria B.C., and lent to C.M. Barbeau in September 1927.
Methodist mission, Laxgalts'ap (Greenville), B. C.
Part of Reverend Thomas Crosby fonds
Image depicts a crowd of people standing in front of a building with banners and what appears to be a Chilkat textile in Laxgalts'ap (Greenville), B. C. Printed on the image is the inscription "METHODIST MISSION, GREENVILLE. 16 MILES UP NASS." Printed around the border of the image is the photographer information "S. A. SPENCER, Fort Street, VICTORIA, B. C." Handwritten inscriptions on the verso read "Mission house, Port Simpson" and "No 21".
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of the village of Greenville on the Nass River in British Columbia.
File contains images of Tsimshian artifacts housed in museums in British Columbia and in what is now known as the Canadian Museum of History. The file also contains images of Tsimshian villages along the Nass River, and historical photos of Tsimshian peoples.
Brass band posed to be photographed
File mainly contains historical images of the Nisga'a villages, peoples, and of Nisga'a totem poles. Other images are of modern day Nisga'a totem poles housed in museums in Canada and the United States. The textual records contained in this file are catalogue cards which provide some of the photograph's context, providing information such as the location of the photograph, the people in the photographs, which museum and/or archive collection the image belongs to, and/or the image's catalogue number.
Last pole at Aiyansh on Nass [River]
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Pole is largely uncarved, except for a bird perched on top. Mountains are visible in the background.
Chief Kiteek's House - Naas River B.C.
House with totem pole viewed from side
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of two boys on a fishing boat on the Nass River in BC.
Part of Reverend Thomas Crosby fonds
Image depicts a group of people drying and preparing oolachan (eulachon) fish. Printed around the border of the image is the photographer information "PHOTOGRAPHED BY R. MAYNARD, VICTORIA, . . . B. C." Handwritten inscription on the verso reads "Oolachan fishing, Nass River".
Fishery Bay on Nass [River], oolichan fishery
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of a eulachon fishery in Fishery Bay, seen from the Nass RIver. The fishery is along the shore, with mountains in the background.
Nass River (Nisga'a nation), 1970
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
File consists of images from the Nass River valley in British Columbia. Subjects include scenery, people, and village scenes.
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