Ancient Lives: The Maya of Guatemala
- 100-2-JJ
- Subseries
- 1998
Part of Carol Mayer fonds
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Ancient Lives: The Maya of Guatemala
Part of Carol Mayer fonds
Ancient Lives: The Maya of Guatemala
Part of Darrin Morrison fonds
Part of Karen Duffek fonds
This sub-series contains records relating to the display at MOA of Annie Ross’s work, “Forest One,” which was exhibited at MOA from March 20th until May 27th 2012. The sub-series includes correspondence, promotional materials, press clippings, and notes.
File contains photo-copies of images of First Nation community members in Alert Bay and at St. Mike's Residential School. The photographs were taken to community elders who had been at the residential school so that they could annotate the photographs.
The report outlines the museum's activities and finances for the previous fiscal year, including listing staff, attendance figures, acquisitions, exhibitions, educational activities, public programming, events, loans, research projects, and publications of the museum and its staff. It includes descriptions of the museum's plans for the renewal project A Partnership of Peoples.
The report outlines the museum's activities and finances for the previous fiscal year, including listing staff, attendance figures, acquisitions, exhibitions, educational activities, public programming, events, loans, research projects, and publications of the museum and its staff. It includes a description of the beginning of the Partnership of Peoples renewal project.
The report outlines the museum's activities and finances for the previous fiscal year, including listing staff, attendance figures, acquisitions, exhibitions, educational activities, public programming, events, loans, research projects, and publications of the museum and its staff. It includes descriptions of the Partnership of Peoples renewal project and the development of the Centre for Cultural Research, the Multiversity Galleries, and the Reciprocal Research Network.
This subseries contains images shown in the exhibit <i>Anonymous Beauty</i> curated by Miriam Clavir. This exhibit was on the Japanese handmade paper collection housed at MOA. In addition are 4 transparencies of the exhibit text.
Part of Karen Duffek fonds
Sub-series consists of records relating to the exhibit Anspayaxw: An installation for voice, image, and sound. This exhibit was at the Satellite Gallery in 2013. The Satellite Gallery was an experimental exhibition space shared between Charles H. Scott Gallery (ECUAD), the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery (UBC), the Museum of Anthropology (UBC), and the Presentation House Gallery. The gallery is closed as of June 2015.
Karen Duffek curated the Anspayaxw exhibit.
Anspayaxw: An Installation For Voice, Image, and Sound
Part of Skooker Broome fonds
Subseries consists of records related to the design of labels for the Anspaywaxw exhibit, on display at the Museum of Anthropology September 12 - October 26, 2013. This exhibit was curated by Karen Duffek (MOA curator).
Anthony island expedition photographs
File contains images of Anthony Island.
Part of Hindaleah (Hindy) Ratner fonds