Museum of Anthropology



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Museum of Anthropology

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Museum of Anthropology

2728 Archival description results for Museum of Anthropology

77 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Visible Storage

This subseries includes materials used in the planning of the exhibit case layout and case design, including Earthquake Mitigation. The planning involved considering innovative ways to use museum space, safety and conservation of the collection materials as well as the enjoyment and interaction with the public. The subseries includes videotapes pertaining to earthquake mitigation. Areas of focus include tests of the current visible storage cases using dental wax, nylon microfilament and securing mechanisms. Records include 4 videocassettes.

Visible Storage

File contains 22 comment books from the exhibit Visible Storage, from July 15, 1995 - February 6, 1997

Dates of comment books:
July 15-27, 1995
July 27 – Aug. 8, 1995
Aug. 8-16, 1995
Aug. 16-24, 1995
Aug. 25 – Sep. 20, 1995
March 9-21, 1995
Sep. 20 – Oct. 18, 1995
Oct. 18 – Dec. 17, 1995
Feb. 16 – March 12, 1996
April 13 – June 2, 1995
June 2 - 15, 1995
June 15 - 27, 1995
June 27 – July 11, 1995
Dec. 19, 1995 – Feb. 16, 1996
March 12-25, 1996
March 25 – April 17, 1996
April 17 – May 28, 1996
May 28 – July 11, 1996
July 11 – Sep.12, 1996
Sep. 12 – Dec. 4, 1996
Dec. 4, 1996 – Feb. 6, 1997
Feb. 6, 1997 – End of exhibit

Results 121 to 140 of 2728