Museum of Anthropology



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Museum of Anthropology

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Museum of Anthropology

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Museum of Anthropology

2728 Archival description results for Museum of Anthropology

77 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Anonymous beauty

This subseries contains images shown in the exhibit <i>Anonymous Beauty</i> curated by Miriam Clavir. This exhibit was on the Japanese handmade paper collection housed at MOA. In addition are 4 transparencies of the exhibit text.

Japanese performers in the Great Hall

A performer wearing a Tengu mask is in the foreground, while another performer stands at a microphone and appears to be reading from a sheet of paper. A different performer in the background stands behind a drum, while another sits on the floor and audience members look on.

Masked performer and drums

A performer wearing what appears to be an oni mask kneels on the floor with their arms outstretched in the foreground. A drum with a dragon head sitting on it sits behind the performer, and a performer holding a drum stands in the background.

Resultados 61 a 80 de 2728