Museum of Anthropology



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Museum of Anthropology

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Museum of Anthropology

2728 Archival description results for Museum of Anthropology

77 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Working set [photographs]

File contains photo-copies of images of First Nation community members in Alert Bay and at St. Mike's Residential School. The photographs were taken to community elders who had been at the residential school so that they could annotate the photographs. Not all of the images in the file were used in the exhibit.


Display from the exhibit "North American Indian Basketry and Technology." Shows several examples of baskets. Many items for this exhibit were borrowed from the University of Washington to supplement the museum's collection.

Woman in G?aw

Item is an image of a woman walking away from the camera with three buildings and a totem pole in the background. According to annotations, photograph was taken in G?aw (also known as Old Massett) in the Haida Gwaii archipielago

Woman in G?aw

Item is an image of a woman by a building. According to annotations, photograph was taken in G?aw (also known as Old Massett) in the Haida Gwaii archipielago

Results 21 to 40 of 2728