Museum building



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Museum building

Museum building

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Museum building

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Museum building

259 Archival description results for Museum building

259 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

View of a field

View of a field, likely from the future site of the Museum of Anthropology building. This photograph was likely taken during the planning process for the construction of the new museum building.

View of the Bill Reid Rotunda

View of what is now called the Bill Reid Rotunda. Instead of Raven and The First Men on display here, a Haida house frontal totem pole is on display. This pole was transferred to the Museum of Anthropology from Tanoo in 1954.

Workers preparing a totem pole to be lifted

A totem pole lying on a truck trailer after being moved from totem park. Workers are preparing the pole to be lifted off the truck trailer, then into place in the new Museum of Anthropology building. This pole was originally carved by Charlie James and later restored by Mungo Martin.

Results 241 to 259 of 259