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51 archivistische beschrijving results for Longhouses

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Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay [event in longhouse]

Photograph of an event in the Alert Bay longhouse. Though not pictured in this image, the former Canadian Governor General Roland Michener and his wife were in attendance. This image shows one end of the longhouse interior, with two thunderbird poles and ... »

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Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay [event in longhouse]

Photograph of dancers at an event in the Alert Bay longhouse. Though not pictured in this image, the former Canadian Governor General Roland Michener and his wife were in attendance. This image shows one end of the longhouse interior, with two ... »

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File contains images of Tsimshian artifacts housed in museums in British Columbia and in what is now known as the Canadian Museum of History. The file also contains images of Tsimshian villages along the Nass River, and historical photos of Tsimshian peoples.


File contains a combination of images of Kwakwaka'wakw artifacts housed in various museums and images of historical Kwakwaka'wakw villages on Vancouver Island and along the Northwest Coast of British Columbia. Artifacts include totem poles, bentwood ... »

Northwest Coast architecture

File mainly contains information pertaining to the Northwest Coast Architecture project set up in Robson Square in 2002. The information includes copies of correspondence from McLennan to various stakeholders involved in the project, information about ... »

Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay [event in longhouse]

Photograph of former Canadian Governor General Roland Michener and his wife at an event in the Alert Bay, BC longhouse. The couple is standing with others in ceremonial dress beneath two thunderbird poles. Title based on annotations in the album that ... »

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Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay [event in longhouse]

Photograph of dancers at an event in the Alert Bay longhouse. Though not pictured in this image, the former Canadian Governor General Roland Michener and his wife were in attendance. This image shows one end of the longhouse interior, with two ... »

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Resultaten 1 tot 20 van 51