- 1-2-X-4 (12.8)-a035942
- Item
- ca. 2000
Parte de William McLennan (MOA Curator) fonds
Image depicts a transformation mask created by artist Stan Wamiss (Kwakwaka'wakw) installed at the Vancouver International Airport.
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Parte de William McLennan (MOA Curator) fonds
Image depicts a transformation mask created by artist Stan Wamiss (Kwakwaka'wakw) installed at the Vancouver International Airport.
Parte de William McLennan (MOA Curator) fonds
File includes two drawings and eight photographs of MOA Object ID A50007 a, b, and c which are interior house posts as well as images of the village from where they came. The photographs are annotated with handwritten and typed information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
Parte de William McLennan (MOA Curator) fonds
File includes one drawing and two photographs of MOA Object ID A50041 which is a house front totem pole. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.
Reverend Smith Stanley Osterhout fonds
Fonds consists of 45 glass-plate lantern slides featuring scenes from Osterhout's work with B.C. First Nations, including Haida, Tsimshian and Kwakwaka'wakw. Images document First Nations individuals, communities, totem poles and landscapes of British Columbia.
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Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Carving totem, inside end of bighouse [Alert Bay]
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of three men carving totem poles that would become part of the bighouse in Alert Bay, BC.
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of pole and gravestones in a cemetery in Alert Bay, BC.
Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of former Canadian Governor General Roland Michener and two unidentified individuals, standing near two totem poles. The poles may be in the Namgis Burial Grounds.
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Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of former Canadian Governor General Roland Michener and his wife at what appears to be the Namgis Burial Grounds in Alert Bay, BC. The poles were possibly made by Charlie James.
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Parte de William Carr fonds
Image of a memorial pole at Alert Bay. Inscription at the bottom held by the figure reads "In loving memory of Tlaowa Latle of the Qiowasudinuk (Kwakwaka'wakw: Kwikwasut'inuxw) Tribe. Died Nov. 9 [rest of inscription illegible].
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Mungo Martin singing Kwakwaka-wakw potlach songs
Parte de MOA General Media collection
Item is a sound recording made by Dr. Ida Halpern of Mungo Martin singing Kwakwaka'wakw potlach songs including aw bone-game (lahal) song and a gambling song.
Parte de Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada Slide Collection
Item is a hand-tinted glass lantern slide of a street with five totems. According to annotations, photograph was taken in Alert Bay.
Parte de Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada Slide Collection
Item is a hand-tinted glass lantern slide of a totem with a building in the background and a boat in the foreground with low tide. Based on the original order of the collection, photograph might have been taken in Alert Bay.
Parte de Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada Slide Collection
Item is a hand-tinted glass lantern slide of an Indigenous burial site. Based on the original order of the collection, photograph might have been taken in Alert Bay.
Parte de Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada Slide Collection
Item is a hand-tinted glass lantern slide of an house and Indigenous burial site. Based on the original order of the collection, photograph might have been taken near Alert Bay.
Parte de Minn Sjolseth fonds
File consists of slides depicting various potlatches, totem poles, as well as portraits of various people. Slides also depict some of Minn Sjolseth's paintings. Some slides are labeled with the following: "Face from a Potlatch, Kwakiutl, 1971," "Kitsequechla, 1970," "Potlatch, Kwakiutl, 1971," "Last Watch...," and "Potlatch 75."
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
Parte de Diane Elizabeth Barwick fonds
Item is a photograph of a procession of people (men, women, children) in ceremonial dress (button blankets, headdresses) walking away from the ferry terminal dock [?] in Alert Bay. The procession is led by Mungo Martin and Daisy Neel. A man dressed in regular clothes, smoking a pipe looks on from the left.
21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations
Parte de Diane Elizabeth Barwick fonds
Item is a photograph of three young women, and two young girls standing in ceremonial dress (button blankets; carved and painted [wolf?] mask; and headdresses made of woven cedar, weasel(?), abalone, and eagle feathers). They are gathered for an event celebrating British Columbia's centennial in Alert Bay in 1958. Daisy Neel is in the centre wearing the frontlet and her twin sisters are the young girls in front of her. Emma Sewid [Seewid; Seaweed?] and Mabel Sewid [Seewid; Seaweed?] are on either sides of them.
(Replica) Kwakiutl housepost #5, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
Parte de E. Polly Hammer fonds
Tallest totem pole, carved by Mungo Martin, Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, B.C.
Parte de E. Polly Hammer fonds