Haida Gwaii



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

Note(s) sur la source

Note(s) d'affichage

Termes hiérarchiques

Haida Gwaii

Terme générique British Columbia

Haida Gwaii

Termes équivalents

Haida Gwaii

  • Employé pour Queen Charlotte Islands

Termes associés

Haida Gwaii

169 description archivistique résultats pour Haida Gwaii

78 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques


File consists of photographic prints depicting Haida cultural objects from other institutions. Many of the prints are annotated with handwritten, stamped, or typed information about the contents of the images or their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA Object ID A50000 a, b, c, & d; A50001; A50002 a, b, & c; A50012; A50013; A50014 a & b; A50015 a & b; A50017; A50018; A50021; and A50045 in MOA's Great Hall.

Haida mortuary poles at SGang Gwaay Llanagaay

Series of Haida Mortuary poles from SGang Gwaay photographed by Charles F. Newcombe in 1901. The third pole from the left was taken down in 1957 and held at the University of British Columbia and the Museum of Anthropology. In 2009 it was taken down from the Great Hall in the Museum of Anthropology and placed into massive carving storage in preparation for repatriation to the Haida nation.

Beaver pole, Anthony Island

Image of a section of a totem pole, featuring a beaver, on Anthony Island, Haida Gwaii. This appears to be a pole now housed at the Museum of Anthropology (museum item #A50013). This museum item has the following description: "Base section of a wooden totem pole, crescent shaped in cross section and carved in shallow and deep relief. Depicted is a seated beaver with one potlatch ring between erect ears; protruding upper incisors; raised forepaws and hind paws grasping chewing sticks. Below its rectangular shaped crosshatched tail is a human face with large circular eyes. Traces of blue in eye sockets and around nostrils... Beaver was one of crests owned by the lineage of Chief Ninstints (Tom Price), 'Those Born Up the Inlet', of the Eagle moiety... Remainder of pole, except top figure, burned when the village was burned in 1892 by the Koskimo and the crew of a sealing schooner. ."


File consists of images from the Tanu village site in Haida Gwaii.

Sans titre

Anthony Island totem poles

Totem poles on Anthony Island being prepared for transportation by the B.C. Totem Pole Preservation Committee. The pole on the viewer's left is currently held in the Museum of Anthropology.

Résultats 61 à 80 sur 169