First Nations



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First Nations

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First Nations

2143 Archival description results for First Nations

283 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Ans'pa yaxw (Kispiox) & Gitsegukla

File consists of images of the Skeena River valley area in British Columbia, near Hazelton. Subjects include people, totem poles, scenery, and the the villages of Gitsegukla and Kitwancool.

Anthony Carter

Anthony Carter fonds

  • 25
  • Fonds
  • [194-]-2018, predominant 1966-1979

The fonds consists of photographs, transparencies, negatives, prints, slides, textual records and objects. Contents of the fonds primarily reflect First Nations cultures in British Columbia between 1960 and 1980, including the Haida, Coast Salish (formerly Burrard Reserve), Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw), Gitsegukla and Ans'pa yaxw (Kispiox) nations. Notable First Nations personalities and artists documented include Chief Dan George, Gerry Marks, Henry Hunt and Norman Tait. Contents also include: B.C. landscapes such as Gwayasdums (Gilford Island), Klemtu, Mamalilikulla and Uchucklesaht; First Nations children; First Nations exhibits, totem poles and installations at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and for the National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, Japan. The original accession was arranged in series according to Carter's published works which focus on specific localities, communities, individuals and subject matter, with additional series related to Carter's photojournalistic work and personal recordkeeping added in 2019 when an accrual was made to the fonds.

Anthony Carter

Anthony Island slides

File consists of photographs taken at Anthony Island, Haida Gwaii, on a 1957 trip. The majority of the images appear to be at the Ninstints village site on Anthony Island.

An accrual of 20 slides was added to this file in March 2022, from accession 2022-3. Most appear to be duplicates of slides already in the file. These 20 slides have not been digitized.

Harry Bertram Hawthorn

Results 141 to 160 of 2143