First Nations



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Termes hiérarchiques

First Nations

Terme générique Cultural groups

First Nations

Termes équivalents

First Nations

Termes associés

First Nations

2143 description archivistique résultats pour First Nations

283 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

First Nations community members

File consists of images of First Nations adults and children in Bella Coola, Klemtu, Bella Bella, Haida Gwaii, and Hartley Bay, BC.

Sans titre

A1780 and A1781

File includes one drawing and two photographs of MOA Object ID A1780 and A1781 which are carved figures. The photographs are annotated with handwritten information about their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.


File consists of slides depicting First Nations chiefs and elders, Carter's wife Minn Sjolseth with August Jacks, Johnny Seaweed, miscellaneous images from Mount Currie/Lil'wat First Nation, and a photograph labeled "Potlatch Masset 60s".

Alert Bay

File consists of images of Alert Bay, a village located on Comorant Island, off of the northeast coast of Vancouver Island, BC. Subjects include a memorial and memorial pole raising for Kwakiutl Chief Mungo Martin, scenery from the area, a cemetery, totem poles, and Chief Johnson of Fort Rupert BC.

Sans titre

Boys by Fraser River

Image of two young Musqueam boys kneeling down at the edge of the Fraser River. The boys are facing away from the camera. A different image of the same scene is printed on page 59 of Carter's book "Abundant Rivers."

Sans titre

Rufus Moody & carvings

File consists of image of Haida artist Rufus Moody, taken in what appears to be a home. A woman identified as Lucette is featured as well in a number of the images, possibly his wife. Also included is an image of some of his argillite carvings.

Sans titre

Tahltan Native Studies Committee collection

  • 147
  • Collection
  • Between [196-] - [198-]

Collection consists of ten audio reel tapes and eight audio cassette tapes with recordings of stories, obtained by Karen J. Clark and Tahltan community members in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s. Along with Tahltan Native Studies Committee members, including Rose Quash, Rachel Joseph, Anne Gleason, and Judy Joseph, Karen J. Clark traveled around the Telegraph Creek area to record stories of the Elders and procure photographs. This work became the "Tahltan Native Studies" book, produced in 1976.

Documentation includes a lists of recordings with tape descriptions, a short biography of Karen J. Clark, and letters and documents related to her awards and publications.

Textual materials include three "Tahltan Native Studies" books, two sets of accompanying job cards, one set of activity cards, one set of photograph cards, and a course outline. The collection also includes the three book set "Sun, Moon and Owl" and the accompanying reading workbook and teacher's guide. "Sun, Moon and Owl" was written by Karen J. Clark, with grant funding from the B.C. Teacher's Federation, and published in 1975.

Sans titre

Indigenous Missionary Affiliates

Item is an image of a group of people holding what appears to looms. According to annotations, photograph was taken at York Factory, Manitoba

Children Playing at St. Michael's Residential School

Item is a hand-tinted glass lantern slide of five children in playing attitude with the sea in the background. Based on the original order of the collection, photograph might have been taken in Alert Bay and the children might have been students at St. Michael's Residential School. The Anglican Church established a day school at its mission in Alert Bay, British Columbia in 1878. It opened a small boarding school there in 1882 and an industrial school in 1894. In 1929, a new building was constructed. The school was known for the arts and crafts produced by the students and the two large totem poles in front of the school building. In 1947, two-dozen children ran away from the school. The subsequent investigation into conditions at the school led to the resignation of both the principal and the vice-principal. By 1969, when the federal government assumed administration of the school, all residents were attending local schools. The residence closed in 1974. (National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation)

Tsimshian songs recorded by Dr. Viola Garfield

Item is a recording of Tsimshian songs recorded by the American anthropologist Dr. Viola Garfield (1899-1983) of the University of Washington. The songs in this recording were sung by Matthew Johnson (ca. 1867 - ?) who was one of the leading lineage heads of the G-spaxlo-‘ts tribe, and a great admirer of the lineage of the Tsimshian chief, Legaic” (Legaik, Legex). The title Legaic was carried by at least four chiefs of the Tsimshian Eage Clan. The last-known individual to carry the title took it in 1938.The cylinder numbers referenced during the recording are #14561, #14562, #14563, #14564 .

The Dr. Viola Garfield fonds is housed at the University of Washington Special Collections. She carried out field work in the summer of 1932, 1935 and 1937 at the Tsimshian village of Port Simpson, British Columbia. An Ediphone machine provided by the University of Washington Anthropology Department was used to record and store the songs on wax cylinders, which were deposited at the University. The recordings were transferred to the open reel format in 1971. More information is available in Dr. Viola Garfield's book Tsimshian Clan and Society (1939), available in the MOA Reading Room, call number 12.7 TSI GAR.

A document that accompanied this recording contains the following text:
Document text:
Cylinder 14561
000 - Song # 1 - Matthew Johnson - marriage song composed for the wedding of Legaik’s sister to ni•s nawa•
030 - Song # 2 - Matthew Johnson - entertainment and potlaching song, a song belonging to Legaik
080 - Song #3 - Matthew Johnson - supernatural power song ni•s nawa, Sky Spirit
137 - Song #4 - Matthew Johnson - a winant secret society power song belonging to ni•s nawa• Kilutsan chief
168 - Song #5 - Matthew Johnson – a secret society song or ludzista•l song
Cylinder 14562
190 - Song #6 - Matthew Johnson, a dog eater society song. nute•m, ni•s nawa, giluska’u
255 - Song #7 - Matthew Johnson –
300 - Song #8 - Matthew Johnson - boasting song for potlatch of Legaic’s tribe
Cylinder 14563
385 - Song #10 - Matthew Johnson - supernatural power song. Legaik, wiskani•st
475 - Song #11 - Matthew Johnson - dirge ni•s nawa• limkoi
530 - Song #12 - Matthew Johnson - dirge gispaxbts, gilutsa’u
588 - Song #13 - Matthew Johnson - dirge
Cylinder 14564
614 - Song #14 - Mrs. Marsden (sp.?) – wolf clan song of kitsees
665 - Song #15 - Mrs. Marsden - song belonging to the supernatural power name lugaxli’bam laxha belonging to ni•syagane•t
774 - Song #16 - Mrs. Marsden - ni•sgune (gitsecs) supernatural power song
825 - Song #17 - Mrs. Marsden – supernatural (naxnog) power song, house of welk

Résultats 2081 à 2100 sur 2143