First Nations



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First Nations

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First Nations

283 Archival description results for First Nations

Only results directly related

William Carr fonds

  • 86
  • Fonds
  • [1949 or 1950]

The fonds consists of black and white photographs and negatives. Subjects depicted include villages, boats and ferries, landscapes, bridges, logging clearcuts, and totem poles. Some of the photos appear to be of the Lions Gate Bridge, Stanley Park, and the Capilano Suspension Bridge.

William Carr

Unknown Event 1979

File consists of slides depicting an unknown event with several figures wearing button blankets. Two undated slides appear to show a dock and boat at a different location.

Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection

  • 81
  • Collection
  • 1940 - 2003 [predominantly 1940 - 1972]

The collection includes material relating to Alert Bay that was created or collected by Thomas and Mildred Laurie, as well as photographs and textual records created or received by James Barclay Williams, who bequeathed the records to Mildred Laurie. The collection includes a photo album, photographs, postcards, correspondence, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and a calendar. Photographs document Alert Bay and the surrounding area, including the B.C. Packers store, Christ Church, the native cemetery, St. Michael’s Residential School and Preventorium, Canada Packers, Hardy Bay, totem poles, a long house, and the Nimpkish Hotel. Photographs also document local events, including potlatches, weddings, an outdoor salmon barbeque, BC centenary celebrations in 1958, native ceremonies, and a visit by the Governor General.

The material is arranged in the following files:

01 - James Barclay Williams – Correspondence and press clippings, 1968-1972
02 - James Barclay Williams – Photographs, [1908?]-1967
03 - Mildred Laurie - Photo album photographs, [194-]-1974
04 - Mildred Laurie – Photographs and postcards, [194-]-[199-]
05 - Slides and negatives, 1952-1972
06 - Pamphlets, ephemera, and press clippings, 1947-2003
07 - James Barclay Williams – Photo album, 1940-1941

Laurie family

Textual Materials

Series contains textual records contextualizing the petroglyphs and pictograms found in the graphic materials. Narrations include descriptions of the sites and their geologic evolution over the years that is leading to the loss of rock surface and petroglyphs and pictograms. Text also documents E. F. Meade’s hypothesis on how some of the petroglyphs and pictographs may have been carved and painted and his interpretations on the reasons behind the locations and purpose of some of them. The author also mentions conversations with local Indigenous peoples inquiring about the petroglyphs and pictographs and areas where he could not get documented due to issues with his equipment. Lastly, narrations include quotations and references to accounts by Capt. Vancouver, Archibald Menzies, and Alexander McKenzie describing the shore and locating some of Vancouver’s descriptions based on Meade’s knowledge of the coast and archaeology.

Slide group 8

File contains graphic materials depicting petroglyphs and pictographs in the coast of British Columbia. According to annotations, some of the photographs were taken by Morley Raven.

Slide group 7

File contains graphic materials depicting petroglyphs and pictographs in the coast of British Columbia. According to annotations, some of the photographs were taken by Dick Pattinson, C. Gades, and Dr. Foskett.

Slide group 6

File contains graphic materials depicting petroglyphs and pictographs in the coast of British Columbia.

Slide group 5

File contains graphic materials depicting petroglyphs and pictographs in the coast of British Columbia.

Slide group 3

File contains graphic materials depicting petroglyphs and pictographs in the coast of British Columbia, the west coast of the United States of America, Scotland, Russia, and Guyana. According to annotations, some of the photographs were taken by Dr. Akladakov (?) and Arthur Goodland.

Results 1 to 20 of 283