"The Copper that came from Heaven"
- 110-5-2-16
- Dossiê
- July 1983
10 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
"The Copper that came from Heaven"
The Copper that Came from Heaven: Dance Dramas of the Kwak'waka'wakw
The copper that came down from heaven
Subseries contains images of objects in the exhibit <i>The Copper That Came Down From Heaven</i>. Objects include masks and sculptures,
Parte deHerb Watson fonds
School Programs The Copper that Came From Heaven Education Committee
U.B.C. Museum of Anthropology Report of Activities Fiscal Year April 83 to March 84
The report outlines the museum's administrative activities and finances for the previous fiscal year as well as listing staff, attendance figures, acquisitions, exhibitions, educational activities, lectures, events, loans, research projects, publications of the museum and its staff, and media coverage of the museum. The report was submitted to the National Museums of Canada, from which the museum received an operating grant.
The Copper that Came From Heaven: Kwagiutl Ceremony and Art Dance Dramas of the Kwakwaka'wakw
Parte deHerb Watson fonds
File contains images of objects that were in the exhibit <i>The Copper that Came from Heaven</i>.
Kwagiutl - The Copper that Came from Heaven exhibit