Attributed to Edenshaw: Identifying the Hand of the Artist



Bereik aantekeningen

  • (Tahaygen and K’woiy ng: Works by Charles and Isabella Edenshaw)
  • April 28 - July 31, 1998, thru August 31, 2001
  • A display of works by Haida artist Isabella and Charles Edenshaw (ca. 1839 - 1920) that explores the distinguishing features of an artist’s personal style. The museum is grateful to the British Columbia Children’s Hospital Foundation for the loan of 3 gold bracelets for display.

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Attributed to Edenshaw: Identifying the Hand of the Artist

Attributed to Edenshaw: Identifying the Hand of the Artist

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Attributed to Edenshaw: Identifying the Hand of the Artist

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Attributed to Edenshaw: Identifying the Hand of the Artist

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Attributed to Edenshaw

Subseries contains records related to the <i>Attributed to Edenshaw Exhibit</i> held at MOA from April 28, 1998 through May 30, 2003. This exhibit featured basketry as well as gold, silver, argillite and wood carvings by Haida artists Charles and Isabella Edenshaw. Records include photographs of artifacts identified as potentially on exhibit during the time frame as well as some correspondence and public relations regarding the exhibit.

Edenshaw artifacts photos

File contains images of some of the artifacts in the Edenshaw exhibit, including argilite, carvings, hats, and metal works. The textual records in this record include photocopies of other artifacts in the exhibit, as well as photocopies of Northwest Coast artifacts housed in other museums.

Attributed to Edenshaw exhibit

File contains images and textual records related to the <i>Attributed to Edenshaw</i> exhibit. The images include pictures of some of the exhibit panels and artifacts. The textual records include media releases, business cards, photocopies of news articles related to the exhibit, and exhibit brochures.

Interim Annual Report April 1, 1998 - March 31, 1999

The report outlines the museum's activities and finances for the previous fiscal year as well as listing staff, exhibitions, public programming, events, research projects, and publications of the museum and its staff. It introduces the museum's new five-year strategic plan and mission statement. The report was submitted to the Faculty of Arts ahead of the regular annual report.