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13 Archival description results for Archaeology

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MOA News: The Newsletter of the UBC Museum of Anthropology, Vol 1. No 3, May 1996

The newsletter contains 6 articles about the museum as well as photographs, facsimiles of artworks, general visitor information, and a list of donors. Subjects include the exhibition From Under the Delta: Wet-Site Archaeology in the Lower Fraser Region of British Columbia, a course about ceramics taught by Carol Mayer at Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, funding generated by the Anthropology Shop, repatriation of artifacts to the Jacks family of the Tseycum First Nation, funding for two new new multimedia projects by Dr. Marjorie Halpin, and an oral history workshop. Also included are a Calendar of Events and a memorial to Barbara Bethel, UBC/MOA security officer.