Wolf housepost, Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw), Mamalilikulla
- 25-03-17-a038247
- Item
- 1973
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of carved house posts at the Mamalilikulla village, Village Island. The post is now lying in the grass.
Anthony Carter
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Wolf housepost, Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw), Mamalilikulla
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of carved house posts at the Mamalilikulla village, Village Island. The post is now lying in the grass.
Anthony Carter
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of an old totem pole at the Mamalilikulla village, Village Island. The pole is being held up by a rope.
Anthony Carter
Old house and house posts, Mamalilikulla, Village Island
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of an old, but still standing, house, and two old carved house posts, now lying in the grass, at the Mamalilikulla, Village Island
Anthony Carter
Old carved house posts, Mamalilikulla, Village Island
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of two carved house posts at the Mamalilikulla village, Village Island. The posts are now lying in the grass.
Anthony Carter
Old carved house posts, Mamalilikulla, Village Island
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of carved house posts at the Mamalilikulla village, Village Island. Tone post is still partially standing. The others are lying in the grass.
Anthony Carter
Old carved house posts, Mamalilikulla, Village Island
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of two carved house posts at the Mamalilikulla village, Village Island. The posts are now lying in the grass.
Anthony Carter
Old carved house post or totem pole, Mamalilikulla, Village Island
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of an old carved house post or totem pole at the Mamalilikulla village, Village Island. The post is still standing, but leaning sharply to the side.
Anthony Carter
Photograph of a woman identified as Mrs. Sewid and four younger women identified as her daughters. All five of them are in ceremonial dress. They are standing outside, with a group of spectators behind them. It is not clear what type of event they are at. A stamp on the verso of the print indicates that it was printed in 1958.
Mildred Laurie
House posts and beam, Quatsino, BC
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of the houseposts and beam of what once was a longhouse in Quatsino, BC, on the north end of Vancouver Island. These posts appear to be the same as posts now houses at the Museum of Anthropology (museum item number A50009 a-c). The poles are described on the museum's catalogue: "Two upright posts and crossbeam that were part of a large interior house frame (also see records d-f and g-h). The uprights depict sea lions carved in high relief and painted (parts a-b). Their heads are equal size to their bodies. Both part a and b have an eagle in profile within the sea lions front flippers. Part a has a top portion of a face painted on the back of its head that is part of a sisiutl that runs down the seal lions back and into its hind flipper with a serpent's head in each. The cross-beam (part c) is painted and carved as a supernatural double-headed sea lion. All parts are painted black and white with Northwest Coast stylized forms... The Klix'ken (sea lion) House was commissioned by Tza'kyius around 1906, and was the last old style house erected in Xwatis. The beams and figures stood as part of a house frame, and acted as structural supports. Figures represented on house frames were supernatural beings which the family living in the house had the right, through their history and origins, to represent."
Chief Councillor, Jam. Sewid and Tom Ohmeid, Fort Rupert
Photograph of Chief James Sewid (Kwakwaka'wakw), in ceremonial dress and holding a carved and painted staff, and Tom Ohmeid(?) of Fort Rupert.
Mildred Laurie
Building remnants, Mamalilikulla, Village Island
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of parts of an old building, possibly a longhouse, at the Mamalilikulla village on Village Island, off of northern Vancouver Island.
Anthony Carter
Building remnants, Mamalilikulla, Village Island
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of parts of an old building, possibly a longhouse, at the Mamalilikulla village on Village Island, off of northern Vancouver Island.
Anthony Carter