- Fundo29 - Wilson Duff fonds
- Séries6 - Teaching materials
- Sub-sériesD - Good student papers
- 76 mais...
- Dossiê077 - Two sides persuading by Maureen Isabelle
- Dossiê078 - Alcohol and the Indian-White relationship: the function of Alcoholics Anonymous in Coast Salish society by L.M. Jilek-Aall
- Dossiê079 - What is a Sasquatch -- or, the problematics of reality testing by Louise M. Jillek-Aall
- Dossiê080 - Carrier legends as narrated by Maxim George of Nautley, B.C. by R. John
- Dossiê081 - Tsimshian music, globular rattles by Blair Johnstone
- Dossiê082 - The persisting question of aboriginal title to provincial lands by Darrell D. Jones
- Dossiê083 - The mink figure in Kwakiutl mythology: an analysis by Kathy Jones
- Dossiê084 - Indian education by Shirley Kay
- Dossiê085 - An analysis of the social organization of coast Salish society, with emphasis on the lower Stalo of the Fraser Valley by Jacqueline J. Kennedy
- 103 mais...