Totem poles



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Términos jerárquicos

Totem poles

Término General Carving

Totem poles

Términos equivalentes

Totem poles

Términos asociados

Totem poles

1430 Archival description results for Totem poles

1430 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

St. Michael's Indian Residential School, Alert Bay

Image of a St. Michael's Indian Residential School in Alert Bay. A similar image is printed on page 35 of Carter's book "From History's Locker," with the caption: "Two fine old carved columns stand guard in front of the school."

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Totems, U.B.C.

Image of totem poles on display at the Museum of Anthropology at UBC.

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Totems, U.B.C.

Image of totem poles on display at the Museum of Anthropology at UBC.

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U.B.C. Museum

Image of a close-up image of a totem pole at the Museum of Anthropology at UBC

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U.B.C. Museum

Image of a close-up image of a totem pole at the Museum of Anthropology at UBC

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U.B.C. Museum

Image of a close-up image of a totem pole at the Museum of Anthropology at UBC

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Resultados 1361 a 1380 de 1430