- 92-1-a034516
- Pièce
- [ca. 1964 - 1967]
Fait partie de Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a partially carved pole.
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Fait partie de Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a partially carved pole.
Fait partie de Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a partially carved pole being hosed down by carver Doug Cranmer.
Fait partie de Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts Doug Cranmer carving a pole using an adze.
Fait partie de Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a carver, possibly Godfrey Hunt, carving on a totem pole. He is possibly using a file.
Carving the Saint Catherine totem pole
Fait partie de Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a man, probably Douglas Cranmer, in the early stages of carving the St. Catherines, Ontario totem pole. The pole is outside. He is preparing to use a chain saw to make the early cuts to a pole. Markings are visible, showing where he will cut.
Fait partie de Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a small scale totem pole which seems to be situated in a cemetery. The bottom figure seems to be human and the top an eagle.
Fait partie de Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts Doug Cranmer in the early stages of carving a totem pole.
Totem pole, Yuquot (Friendly cove) (?)
Fait partie de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a totem pole in Friendly Cove, raised in honour of Captain Jack. The same pole if pictured on pages 104-105 of Carter's book "From History's Locker," with the caption: "The large beautifully carved totem here at Friendly Cove was raised in honor of Capt. Jack by the people of five local bands, each of the groups of carvings being done by the best carvers of each group."
Sans titre
Ehattesaht, Esperanza Inlet, [Nuu-chah-nulth]
Fait partie de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of the upper part of a totem pole in Friendly Cove, carved in honour of Captain Jack. A tree in the foreground blocks the lower portion of the pole.
Sans titre
Ehattesaht, Esperanza Inlet, [Nuu-chah-nulth]
Fait partie de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a totem pole located at the Ehahsitaht Village site, just beyond the edge of a rocky beach. The pole is surrounded by trees. A man on the beach appears to be taking a picture of the pole.
Sans titre
Esperanza Inlet, Graveyard Bay
Fait partie de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of the lower portion of a totem pole at the Ehahsitaht Village site.
Sans titre
Fait partie de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a totem pole at the Ehahsitaht Village site.
Sans titre
Top section of totem pole, Ehattesaht
Fait partie de Anthony Carter fonds
Sans titre
Totem pole, Ehattesaht, Esperanza Inlet
Fait partie de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a totem pole at the Ehahsitaht Village site. A similar image is printed on page 117 of Carter's book "From History's Locker," with the caption: "From the cliff above the village site of Ehahsitaht the figures of this solitary totem look out on Esperanza Inlet."
Sans titre
Sam Johnson, carver, with one of his totem poles, Gwayasdums
Fait partie de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a totem pole and its carver, Sam Johnson of Gilford Island. The pole depicts the Eagle and "Tzonqua."
Sans titre
Old totem pole, Karlukwees, Turnour Island
Fait partie de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of the remains of a totem pole in Karlukwees, Turnour Island, BC.
Sans titre
Old totem pole, Karlukwees, Turnour Island
Fait partie de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of the remains of a totem pole in Karlukwees, Turnour Island, BC.
Sans titre
Old carved house post or totem pole, Mamalilikulla, Village Island
Fait partie de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of an old carved house post or totem pole at the Mamalilikulla village, Village Island. The post is still standing, but leaning sharply to the side.
Sans titre
Unidentified totem pole, Hazelton area
Fait partie de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of an unidentified totem pole located in the Hazelton area of BC.
Sans titre
Unidentified totem pole, Hazelton area
Fait partie de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of an unidentified totem pole located in the Hazelton area of BC.
Sans titre