Anget pole of Ninstints (copy by William Jeffrey)
- 134-a040128c
- Item
- 13 Aug. 1972
Part of E. Polly Hammer fonds
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Anget pole of Ninstints (copy by William Jeffrey)
Part of E. Polly Hammer fonds
This subseries contains records relating to an exhibit built at the Canadian Museum of Civilization. McLennan was the project manager and design developer for this project. He oversaw the completion and installation of six west coast First Nation house designs: Coast Salish, Haida, Tsimshian, Bella Coola, Oweekeno, and Kwakwaka'wakw. The records include newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs, and notes.
First Nations community members
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
File consists of images of First Nations adults and children in Bella Coola, Klemtu, Bella Bella, Haida Gwaii, and Hartley Bay, BC.
Anthony Carter
File contains historical photographs of Gitxsan villages, with a specific focus on totem poles and various buildings in the villages. There are also some images of the Gitxsan people in regalia. The textual records contain information to some of the photographs, listing the photograph's title and the museum and/or archive it originated from.
Grizzly bear pole of Skedans (copy by William Jeffrey), City Hall, Prince Rupert, B.C.
Part of E. Polly Hammer fonds
Ketchikan and Kitwancool Totems and Views
Part of Minn Sjolseth fonds
File consists of slides depicting totems and views labeled as in Kispiox, Kitwancool, Ketchikan, Haida, Kitseguckla, Skedans, and Kingcome. File also consists of slides documenting two of Minn Sjolseth's paintings entitled "En av de Siste" (sp?) and "Peace."
Brass band posed to be photographed
Last pole at Aiyansh on Nass [River]
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Pole is largely uncarved, except for a bird perched on top. Mountains are visible in the background.
Lewis Clifton, Tsimshian, Hartley Bay
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Portrait of a man identified as Lewis Clifton from and/or in Hartley Bay, BC.
Anthony Carter
Lewis Clifton, Tsimshian, Hartley Bay
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a working fishing boat's deck. A man is standing on the deck, a net is raised in the air, and number of fish are in a bin on the deck.
Anthony Carter
Lewis Clifton, Tsimshian, Hartley Bay
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Portrait of an older man (Lewis Clifton?). He is standing outside, wearing a cap and glasses.
Anthony Carter
Lewis Clifton, Tsimshian, Hartley Bay
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Portrait of an older man (Lewis Clifton?). He is standing outside, wearing a cap and glasses.
Anthony Carter
Man standing next to totem pole
Part of MOA General Media collection
A man standing next to a totem pole. The caption for this slide suggests that it was taken in the community of Kispiox.
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Portrait of Mr. Tate, Nisga'a.
Anthony Carter
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Portrait of Mr. Tate, Nisga'a.
Anthony Carter
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Portrait of Mr. Tate, Nisga'a.
Anthony Carter
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Portrait of Mr. Tate, Nisga'a.
Anthony Carter
File mainly contains historical images of the Nisga'a villages, peoples, and of Nisga'a totem poles. Other images are of modern day Nisga'a totem poles housed in museums in Canada and the United States. The textual records contained in this file are catalogue cards which provide some of the photograph's context, providing information such as the location of the photograph, the people in the photographs, which museum and/or archive collection the image belongs to, and/or the image's catalogue number.
Old carved house post, village of Chief Kitselas
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of the remains of a house post from the village of Chief Kitselas.
Anthony Carter
Old carved house post, village of Chief Kitselas
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of the remains of a house post from the village of Chief Kitselas.
Anthony Carter