- Fundo29 - Wilson Duff fonds
- Séries6 - Teaching materials
- Sub-sériesD - Good student papers
- 154 mais...
- Dossiê155 - Health problems and health services of the Indians of B.C. by Sandra Spowart
- Dossiê156 - The Drunk Indian by Gail Stevens
- Dossiê157 - Cultural conflict: the problems it creates by Joan Stevenson
- Dossiê158 - What is a Sasquatch -- or rather, why is a Sasquatch by Brian Stewart
- Dossiê159 - The art of Salish weaving by Jennifer Stewart
- Dossiê160 - Katzie ceremonial life by Judy Stiles
- Dossiê161 - Mythology in the art and rituals of the NWC Indians by Pete Stobie
- Dossiê162 - Sasquatch: evidence from pre-contact reports as found in the Salish, Bella Coola and Kwakiutl art, mythology and rituals by Karla Strazichich
- Dossiê163 - Acculturation: the Church and the Indian today by Holly Swanson
- 25 mais...