Vancouver International Airport Musqueam Welcome Area
- 1-2-X-4 (12.8)-a035939
- Item
- 1996
Image of the Vancouver International Airport Musqueam Welcome Area. The image may have been taken at the opening celebrations.
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Vancouver International Airport Musqueam Welcome Area
Image of the Vancouver International Airport Musqueam Welcome Area. The image may have been taken at the opening celebrations.
Two women working on silk worms
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing two women working on silk worms. Possibly by photographer Kozaburo Tamamura
File contains images of three textile pieces in the Museum of Anthropology's collection. These are shown displayed together in one case in Gallery 5.
Part of Eric Parker fonds
Item is a negative showing a stone building with a large wall hanging off of it. The hanging appears to have an image of a Buddha on it.
Part of Eric Parker fonds
Item is a negative showing a close up of the wall hanging described in negative a033653.
Part of MOA General Media collection
Drawing of a Salish woman weaving a blanket. This photograph may be from an exhibit at the old Museum of Anthropology dealing with Northwest coast technology.
Salish Weaving Research Education
File contains a combination of historical photographs depicting village life of the Coast Salish people, and modern day photographs of Salish artifacts housed in various museums around the world. The historical photographs contain images of Coast Salish peoples, totem poles, house posts, canoes, and petroglyphs. The modern day photographs contain images of Coast Salish artifacts such as blankets, spindle whorls, masks, carvings, house posts and totem poles, and household items such as combs and bowls. The textual records contained in this file are photocopies of images of Coast Salish artifacts housed in various museums around the world.
Rose Point Nov 10/99 Betsy & Johnson Jill Baird.
Roberta Louis, Musqueam weaver
Roberta Louis June 17/99 With J Baird, E Johnson. Deb/Robyn Sparrow July 11/99
Roberta Louis 17/6/99 With Jill & Betsy
Part of MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "Canadian Native Handicrafts." Shows a pouch, a belt, and a print. Many items for this exhibit were loaned by the Canadian Handicrafts Guild.
Pictures Musqueam Acquisitions McGary Point weaving
File contains images and close up images of woven textiles used in the exhibit <i>Ancient Cloth...Ancient Code?</i> at the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.
File contains images of Staniszkis' work.