Skooker Broome


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Skooker Broome

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[19-?] -


Skooker Broome received an undergraduate degree in Anthropology from the University of British Columbia (UBC). Also at UBC, he took graduate courses in Museum Studies. His other educational pursuits include the study of German and French architecture, computer sciences, lighting design, web publishing, structural drafting, and the French language.

From 1986 to 1990, Broome worked at UBC's Museum of Anthropology (MOA) as an Assistant Designer. His duties included participating in the designing, production, and installation of a number of exhibits held at the Museum, teaching design principles to the Anthropology “Museum Principles and Practices” class, and producing & designing museum catalogues, brochures, invitations, and program schedules.

From 1990 to the present, Broome has been working as a Designer on a number of exhibits at the Museum of Anthropology. Broome’s tasks include designing, developing, planning, and installing museum exhibits and displays, teaching design principles to Anthropology students, and managing projects. His other duties include the management of the Museum’s building facilities and service, and he further works as a computer specialist and coordinator of computer technologies. In addition to his work at the Museum of Anthropology, Broome works as a contract designer for Third Eye Design, where he designs, develops, plans, installs, and consults on commercial projects.



Functies, beroepen en activiteiten

Mandaat/bronnen van bevoegdheid

Interne structuren / genealogie

Algemene context


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Datering van aanmaak, herziening of verwijdering

Created December 2, 2015

Taal (talen)




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