The Falls off the Skeena River
- 11-02-a032698_2
- Item
- [ca. 1889 - 1891]
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of a landscape with mountains in the background and falls in the foreground. According to annotations, the river is the Skeena River
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The Falls off the Skeena River
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of a landscape with mountains in the background and falls in the foreground. According to annotations, the river is the Skeena River
Part of Stanley E. Read fonds
Image depicts a range of mountains with a valley and river running through it. Based on Read's itinerary for this trip, this may be the Skeena River and valley.
From an Old Minig Camp on the Skeena
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of a river in the foreground with a village on the background. According to annotations, river is the Skeena River.
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of a bridge over a river. According to annotations, the bridge was made by the indigenous peoples in the area and the location may be the Skeena River.