Sharon Fortney

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Sharon Fortney

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Datas de existência

[19-?] -


Sharon M. Fortney is an independent curator, researcher, and writer specializing in Coast Salish community projects. Fortney completed her BA in Archaeology at the University of Calgary. She has an MA in Anthropology (2001) and a PhD in Anthropology (2009), both from the University of British Columbia. Her doctoral research examined the status of First Nations community and museum relationships in Canada and the United States. Fortney’s other areas of interest and expertise include ethnography, material culture, memory, and identity. She has published papers and reports on various aspects of First Nations culture, including Pacific Coast Salish Art, Musqueam traditional land use, and Sto:lo basketry. She has worked as a guest curator and researcher for a variety of institutions, including the Museum of Anthropology, the North Vancouver Museum and Archives, the Museum of Vancouver, and the Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art.


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Estruturas internas/genealogia

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Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

Pontos de acesso - Locais


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Revised June 15, 2017 by Sophie Roberge.

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