- Fundo119 - Director's fonds
- Séries6 - Exhibitions Files
- Sub-sériesD - Temporary Exhibits Files
- 75 más...
- Dossiê76 - (In)visible: The Spiritual World of Taiwan through Contemporary Art [exhibition binder]
- Dossiê77 - Safar/Voyage: Contemporary Works by Arab, Iranian and Turkish Artists [exhibition binder] [restricted]
- Dossiê78 - 2007 - The Village is Tilting : Dancing AIDS in Malawi
- Dossiê79 - 2008 - Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas - Meddling in the Museum
- Dossiê80 - Safar [initial proposal]
- Dossiê81 - Amazonia [exhibit planning binder]
- Dossiê82 - Culture at the Centre [exhibit planning binder]
- Dossiê83 - Fabric of Our Land [exhibit planning binder]
- Dossiê84 - Arts of Resistance [exhibit planning binder]
- 12 más...