Rites and ceremonies



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Rites and ceremonies

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Rites and ceremonies

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Rites and ceremonies

321 Archival description results for Rites and ceremonies

58 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Squirrel Dance

Image features Norman performing his squirrel dance on top of the canoe log. A family member wearing a button blanket with his back to the camera is beating a skin drum.

Squirrel Dance

A Tait family member wearing a button blanket watches Norman perform his squirrel dance on top of canoe log.

Squirrel Dance

A Tait family member wearing a button blanket watches Norman crouched on top of canoe log performing his squirrel dance.

Squirrel Dance

Norman Tait performing his squirrel on top of the canoe log.

Axu Leading Potlatch Procession

Image of Agnes Alfed leading a procession. People on the background.
Handwritten annotation on back "Axu leading potlatch procession. No date" and number 10-1.
Item was originally numbered by creator with number 123.

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Kwakiutl Wedding Party

This photograph, taken by Edward S. Curtis, shows a Kwakwaka'wakw wedding party. The Bride is Abayah, who is marrying her first husband. She later married Mungo Martin.

A display of items to be given away at a potlatch

This photograph, originally taken by William or Jean Halliday, shows a display of items to be given away at a potlatch in Alert Bay. The caption for the slide gives the date as 1910 but the BC Archives lists the date for this photograph as between 1897 and 1933. This photograph is housed at the BC Archives, #H-03976.

Ceremonial dance

Image depicts the interior of a big house, possibly at Alert Bay, BC. People are dressed in regalia and a ceremonial dance seems to be in progress.

Inside the big house

Image depicts the interior of a big house, possibly at Alert Bay, BC. People are dressed in regalia and some kind of event is in progress.

Ceremonial performance

Image depicts several people involved in a performance. A female plays the drum. A male, clad in a bathing suit and regalia, dances on his knee. Another man wearing a headdress, stands at the back of the photo. Spectators are also visible in this outdoor scene.

Woman dancing

Image depicts a woman wearing wearing a mix of western clothing and regalia dancing outdoors. Several other woman can be seen dancing behind her. Spectators watch the dance as well.

Man dancing

Image depicts a man dancing outdoors. He wears swim trunks and regalia and is accompanied by two male drummers standing behind him. Spectators stand in the background.

Robert Davidson, Jr. pole raising ceremony

File consists of images from a pole raising ceremony in Masset, on Queen Charlotte Island, Haida Gwaii. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. Images show the crowd, speakers (including Davidson), the process of raising the pole, and nearby scenery.

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R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image is an aerial view of the pole raising area and crowd. The pole is still on the ground, with ropes attached to it and people lined up holding onto the ropes to pull it up.

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R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image shows a section of the crowd gathered for the ceremony, many of whom are in what appears to be ceremonial dress.

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Resultados 21 a 40 de 321