- Archief96 - Reverend Thomas Crosby fonds
- Reeks01 - Personal and missionary photographs
- Bestanddeel01 - Personal and missionary photographs – portraits (and ferrotype)
- 43 more...
- Stuka039320a - [Building with row of wood carvings]
- Stuka039321a - Shee-Shadi indian, V. I.
- Stuka039322 - Indian chief, V. I.
- Stuka039323a - Indian chief, B. C.
- Stuka039324 - [Portrait of couple]
- Stuka039325 - [Group portrait with flags and dogs]
- Stuka039326 - [Group portrait at log cabin]
- Stuka039327a - Men in kayak, Laborador
- Stuka039328a - Abraham in kayak
- 7 more...