Nootka Sound


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Nootka Sound

20 descrição arquivística resultados para Nootka Sound

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Ehattesaht Van Isle

Image looking across the Nootka Sound, with small islands and mountains in the background.

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Ehattesaht Van Isle

Image looking across the Nootka Sound, with small islands and mountains in the background.

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Ehattesaht Van Isle

Image of a small inlet, seen from the shore, with small islands in the water.

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Ehattesaht Van Isle

Image looking across the Nootka Sound, with small islands and mountains in the background.

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Ehattesaht Van Isle

Image looking across Nootka Sound from a rocky beach at sunset or sunrise. Mountains are visible in the background.

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Ehattesaht Van Isle

Image looking across the Nootka Sound, with small islands and mountains in the background.

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Ehattesaht Van Isle

Image of a small inlet, seen from the shore, with small islands in the water.

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Ehattesaht Van Isle

Image of a small inlet, seen from the shore, with small islands in the water.

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