New Mexico



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New Mexico

New Mexico

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New Mexico

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New Mexico

5 archivistische beschrijving results for New Mexico

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Lilo Berliner fonds

  • 145
  • Archief
  • Nov. 1968 - 1975

Fonds consists of negative images of petroglyphs largely from the Pacific west coast of North America. Most of the images are from sites located in British Columbia, but there are also images from sites in Washington State, New Mexico, and other areas of the United States and Mexico. There are also images of artifacts, masks, totem poles, wood carvings, and graveyards. Images of family travels, landscapes, wild animals, and house cats are interspersed within the collection.

Zonder titel

Pictographs 1974

Pictographs and images of pinecones and needles. Possibly from a trip to New Mexico.

New Mexico

Includes images of petroglyphs in New Mexico as well as images of people relaxing indoors.