Masked performer holding stick
- 110-5-1-4-a035692
- Item
- June 12, 1977
A masked performer holds a stick in the foreground, in front of a drum with a dragon head sitting on top of it and other performers in the background
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Masked performer holding stick
A masked performer holds a stick in the foreground, in front of a drum with a dragon head sitting on top of it and other performers in the background
Carving of the "Raven and the First Man," Bill Reid
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Korean dancers perform using an altar
Two masked dancers perform Korean Pongsan using an altar on the floor of the Great Hall while other performers play instruments. The dancers appear to be wearing the masks of Mudang (on the left) and Namgang Noin (on the right)
Korean dancers perform a scene from Pongsan dance
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A performer at the opening of A Rare Flower: A Century of Cantonese Opera in Canada
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Members of the Jin Wah Sing Musical Association Lisa Wan and Elizabeth Cheung perform at the opening of the exhibit A Rare Flower: A Century of Cantonese Opera in Canada
Member of the Jin Wah Sing Musical Association Lisa Wan applies her makeup before their performance at the opening of the exhibit A Rare Flower: A Century of Cantonese Opera in Canada
Opera performance in the Great Hall
A member of the Jin Wah Sing Musical Association performs at a UBC Open House
A child stops to watch an opera performance
A child walking outside the museum stops to watch a performance by the Jin Wah Sing Musical Association
Performance of "A Rattling Under Glass" in the Great Hall
Monique Mojica as Coyote and Archer Mayling as Itch in "A Rattling Under Glass", an interpretive program for school groups visiting the museum adapted from a potlatch story
"A Rattling Under Glass" and The Raven and the First Men
Archer Mayling and Monique Mojica act in front of The Raven and the First Men during a performance of "A Rattling Under Glass"
Monique Mojica with The Raven and the First Men
Moique Mojica performs in "A Rattling Under Glass", an interpretive program for school groups visiting the museum adapted from a potlatch story in front of the carving The Raven and the First Men
Coyote in a glass box during "A Rattling Under Glass"
Moique Mojica in a glass box as Coyote in "A Rattling Under Glass", an interpretive program for school groups visiting the museum adapted from a potlatch story
Performers dressed as animals in the Great Hall