- 1-1-P-1 (8.2)-a034937
- Item
- [ca. 1982]
Item is a negative image showing two women assembling the exhibit <i>On Stoney Ground</i> in the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.
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Item is a negative image showing two women assembling the exhibit <i>On Stoney Ground</i> in the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.
Item is a negative image showing two women beginning to assemble the exhibit <i>On Stoney Ground</i> in the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.
Item is a negative image showing a man and a women assembling the exhibit <i>On Stoney Ground</i> in the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.
Item is a negative image showing three women beginning to assemble the exhibit <i>On Stoney Ground</i> in the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.
Item is a negative image showing two women beginning to assemble the exhibit <i>On Stoney Ground</i> in the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.
Item is a negative image showing five women beginning to assemble the exhibit <i>On Stoney Ground</i> in the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.
Item is a negative image showing two women beginning to assemble the exhibit <i>On Stoney Ground</i> in the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.
Item is a negative image showing two women beginning to assemble the exhibit <i>On Stoney Ground</i> in the Museum of Anthropology, UBC. There is a cart in the foreground.
Item is a negative image showing two women beginning to assemble the exhibit <i>On Stoney Ground</i> in the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.
Part of Director's fonds
Arts of Resistance [exhibit planning binder]
Part of Director's fonds
Part of Exhibit Comment Books and Guest Registers/Guest Books collection
Part of Director's fonds
Artifacts used in exhibit from MOA + other institutions
File contains the catalogue records of objects that were used in <i>The Transforming Image</i> exhibit.
File contains images of the artists featured in the Through My Eyes exhibit such as Jim Hart, Bob Dempsey, Bill Reid, Richard Sumner, William White, Isabell Rovidk, Doreen Jensen, Richard Hunt, and Terry Starr. There are also images of some of their pieces, also featured in this exhibit.
File contains copies of artifacts labels for some of the pieces featured in the <i>Signed without Signatures</i> exhibit.
Part of Karen Duffek fonds
Art of the Salish Sea [Knowledge Within book]
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Argillite sculptures on display
Part of MOA General Media collection
Argillite sculptures on display in Montréal for the Museum of Anthropology's Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World."
Argillite sculptures in the winter dance room
Part of MOA General Media collection
Argillite sculptures in the winter dance room as part of the Museum of Anthropology's Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World".