Museum of Anthropology



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Museum of Anthropology

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Museum of Anthropology

2732 Archival description results for Museum of Anthropology

78 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

The Spirit of Islam: Experiencing Islam through Calligraphy

Subseries consists of records relating to the “Spirit of Islam: Experiencing Islam through Calligraphy” exhibit installed at the Museum of Anthropology. The exhibit is a collaborative work with local Muslim community members. The intent of the exhibition is to promote cultural diversity and to illustrate Islam as a way of life. The exhibition opened in October 2001, and continued until May 2002. In his capacity as Designer, Skooker Broome worked on the planning, designing, and installation of the exhibit. Not only did he work on the exhibit, he also participated in the launching of the “Spirit of Islam” educational website. Funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage, the website includes images, text, audio, and video from the original exhibition. Records in the subseries include: correspondence, contact lists, exhibition records, draft proposals and proposal, budgets, artifact lists, program planning worksheets, committee reports and drafts, agendas, grant applications, programming planning worksheets, minutes of meetings, loan condition and agreement forms, statements of agreements, exhibition diagrams and plans, exhibition design and art work, exhibit panel information and labeling designs, exhibit flyers and design layouts, photocopies of business cards and business cards, press releases, negatives, drafts of catalogue, notes, policy records, publications, exhibit sketches, letterhead samples, typeface samples, Islamic script samples, exhibition invitation cards, computer renderings of the exhibition layout and design, fundraising records, and product brochures and price lists. Textual records also include annotations on “Post-It Notes.” All records relate to aspects of planning, creating, or installing of the exhibit.

The Spirit of Tibet

The records in this subseries relate to an exhibit that was developed by MOA in conjunction with the Tibetan Cultural Society, the Canada Tibet Committee, and Women Working for a Free Tibet. Subseries consists of 1 file of correspondence, memos and exhibit labels.

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

The spirit quest

Display for the museum. Possibly for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Shows several items including ornaments, a drum, and a pipe.

The Technologies of Basketry Manufacture

Panel from the exhibit "North American Indian Basketry and Technology." Shows diagrams of methods of basket manufacture. Many items for this exhibit were borrowed from the University of Washington to supplement the museum's collection.

The Technologies of Basketry Manufacture

Panel from the exhibit "North American Indian Basketry and Technology." Shows diagrams of methods of basket manufacture. Many items for this exhibit were borrowed from the University of Washington to supplement the museum's collection.

The Technologies of Basketry Manufacture

Panel from the exhibit "North American Indian Basketry and Technology." Shows diagrams of methods of basket manufacture. Many items for this exhibit were borrowed from the University of Washington to supplement the museum's collection.

The Temple, the Home

Display from the exhibit "Japanese Culture and Art." Shows many prints and photographs on panels. This exhibit was done on the arrival of materials collected by Dr. Ronald Dore of the department of Asian Studies who directed the installation of this exhibit.

Results 2381 to 2400 of 2732