Museum events



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Termes hiérarchiques

Museum events

Terme générique Museum of Anthropology

Termes équivalents

Museum events

Termes associés

Museum events

129 description archivistique résultats pour Museum events

121 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

Special events

Series consists of records relating to events such as conferences performances and pole raisings, and organizing public programming associated with those events. Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, circulars and other publicity material, reports, and other textual material.

Sans titre

Weekly programming

Series relates to programming emphasizing public participation. Series consists of memoranda, correspondence, circulars, and other textual material.

Sans titre

Ribbon-cutting speeches made during the official opening of the Museum of Anthropology

Item is an audio recording of speeches made during MOA's official opening ceremonies, featuring the following speakers: Hon. J Hugh Faulkner, then Minister of State for Science and Technology of Canada; the Honorable Grace McCarthy, Deputy Premier of the Province of British Columbia; Thomas K. [?], the Chairman of the Board of Governors of UBC; Douglas T. Kenny, UBC President; the Right Honorable Jules Léger, the Governor General of Canada.

Ribbon-cutting speeches made during the official opening of the Museum of Anthropology

Item is an audio recording of speeches made during MOA's official opening ceremonies, featuring the following speakers: Hon. J Hugh Faulkner, then Minister of State for Science and Technology of Canada; the Honorable Grace McCarthy, Deputy Premier of the Province of British Columbia; Thomas K. [?], the Chairman of the Board of Governors of UBC; Michael Ames, Director of MOA at the time; Douglas T. Kenny, UBC President; the Right Honorable Jules Léger, the Governor General of Canada.

Annual reports

File consists of reports of the museum's activities from 1947 onward. These reports were generally produced at the end of each fiscal year beginning in 1978. Most reports cover a single year, while some span multiple years. In some years, multiple reports were produced. The file does not contain reports for the fiscal years ending in 1992, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2013, 2014, 2017, or 2018.

The reports in this file give information on the museum's activities, attendance, administration, funding, renovations, security, volunteer associates, curatorial work, exhibitions, acquisitions and donations, interactions with the university, outreach, programs such as the Native Youth Project and the Prison Outreach Program, educational activities, marketing, VIP visitors, and special events, among other topics.

Calendar of events

File consists of brochures that advertise exhibitions and events at the museum, including short blurbs about each. Each calendar covers a four-month period (January-April, May-August, or September-December).

Types of events described include exhibitions, opening receptions, lectures, artist talks, guided gallery walks, behind-the-scenes tours, events for youths and seniors, site visits and other excursions, conferences, workshops, identification clinics, performances, courses, school programs, calls for volunteers, sales at the gift shop, and reports on research and community-based projects. The calendars also contain museum announcements and news as well as general visitor information and lists of donors.

Next @ MOA

File consists of pamphlets that advertise upcoming exhibitions, events, and programs, as well as providing news about the museum and general visitor information. Each pamphlet covers a four-month period (January-April, May-August, or September-December). There are two copies of each edition.

Inside MOA

File consists of bulletins from Jennifer Webb to Museum Assistants and Volunteer Associates. Bulletins were released weekly. They were intended to provide information about interruptions, installations, and other events that would affect tours and instructions given to visitors. Bulletin are arranged (with some variation) into sections on people, exhibitions, galleries, publications, residencies, and "other."

Programs, events, and milestones

Series contains materials related to programs, events, and particular milestone ceremonies/celebrations at the Museum of Anthropology. Materials are primarily publicity, such as press releases, newspaper clippings, flyers, and invitations. Other record types include informational booklets, programmes, and registration forms. The series is divided into 15 files:

  1. Field trips and day tours
  2. Talks and workshops
  3. Performances and screenings
  4. Ceremonies and celebrations
  5. Totem pole raisings
  6. Youth and children's programs
  7. School programs
  8. Native Youth Program
  9. Sunday programs
  10. MOA construction and opening
  11. Bill Reid tribute
  12. MOA open house
  13. 50th anniversary
  14. Partnership of Peoples
  15. Miscellaneous programs

Some files group together materials related to specific types of programming or events ("Talks and lectures," or "Youth and children's programs," for example). Other files are focused on a specific program, event, or ceremony. The "Miscellaneous programs" file groups together materials related to more than one type of program or event.

Beginning of ceremony

Individuals in the photo include: Dominic Point, Vince Stogan, Wendy Grant [now Wendy John], David Joe, Margaret Dan, Edna Stogran, Debra Sparrow, Mary Charles, Wes Grant, Virginia Joe, Char Grant, Adeline Point, Johnna Sparrow, Stanley Charles, and Victor Guerin. (Identified by Debra Sparrow, June 13, 2017. Recorded by Sue Rowley).

Children with Evelyn Roth set piece

Two children examine part of a set piece from a performance of a piece by Evelyn Roth. The set piece is made of fabric and depicts what looks to be a face, under which is a picture of a creature with a human body and a sun face.

Lisa Wan

Member of the Jin Wah Sing Musical Association Lisa Wan performs at the opening of the exhibit A Rare Flower: A Century of Cantonese Opera in Canada

Résultats 61 à 80 sur 129