Museum building



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Museum building

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Museum building

259 descrição arquivística resultados para Museum building

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Plan of the Museum of Anthropology

Plan of the proposed Museum of Anthropology with highlighted areas for gallery displays. This plan would have been made as part of the process for the construction of the new museum.

Garden and stairway

Terraced garden and stairway. The location and date of this photograph is uncertain. It was found near materials on the planning of the new Museum of Anthropology building. It is possible that this photograph was either of a space that inspired the design of the museum, or is an early photograph of part of the museum grounds.

Drawing of the interior of the Great Hall

Drawing of the interior of the Great Hall of the proposed Museum of Anthropology building. This drawing was likely made during the planning process for the construction of the new museum and may have been done by Rudy Kovach.

Entrance to Gallery 3

The entrance to Gallery 3 (now the O'Brian Gallery) from the Great Hall at the Museum of Anthropology. House posts and totem poles are also visible.

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