Muratorio family


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Muratorio family

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Blanca Muratorio is a Professor Emeritus in Anthropology at the University of British Columbia. Originally from Argentina, Blanca Muratorio received her Ph.D. at U.C.-Berkeley in 1972 and later moved to Vancouver to join the faculty of Anthropology at UBC. Her ethnographic area of focus is Latin America. Her research interests include Anthropology and History, visual anthropology, oral histories, Amazonian societies, women in the Third World, religion and ethnicity. Her publications include “The Life and Times of Grandfather Alonso, Culture and History in the Upper Amazon”, “Protestantism and Capitalism Revisited, in the Rural Highlands of Ecuador”, “Protestantism, Ethnicity, and Class in Chimborazo”, “Indigenous Women’s Identities and the Politics of Cultural Reproduction in the Ecuadorian Amazon”, “Rucuyaca Alonso y la Historia Social y económica del Alto Napo: 1850-1950.” Now retired, she recently returned to live in Argentina with her husband Ricardo.

Ricardo Muratorio is a Professor Emeritus in Sociology at the University of British Columbia. Originally from Argentina, Ricardo Muratorio received his MA at U.C.-Berkeley in the 1970s and later moved to Vancouver to join the faculty of the Anthropology-Sociology Department at UBC. He is now retired, and recently returned to live in Argentina with his wife Blanca. Ricardo Muratorio has published a number of works including “A Feast of Color, Corpus Christi Dance Costumes of Ecuador: From the Olga Fisch Collection” in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institute.

In 2010, Blanca Muratorio donated over 200 objects to the Museum of Anthropology’s Multiversity Gallery.



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Created in MemoryBC 15 December 2012. Copied into Atom by Katie Ferrante 17 November 2015.

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